Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v10

To the Chriftian Keader. menfor whomGodprovides a meffenger or media- tour, and the righteous are the men whomGodfa- vingly and efe5lually infpires with the know., ledge of his will , in the things which concerne both their predent wore andfuture reward. Nei- ther bathSatanany powerfo todarken their under- flandings about thofegreat things as to make them mifcarry;and asfor all his other sarifchievouu plots andpra6iices againft then, they ferve to a cleave contrary purpofe thenhe intendeth , according to that mofi comfortable a f fertion of the Apoftic (Rom: 8. 28. ) We know that all things work together for good to them that loveGod,to them who are the called-according to his purpofe. SatanprovokedGod for a licence to heape out- ward calamities upon Job infirippinghint naked ofhis worldlyfubftance, and in tormenting his bo- dy with grievous paines andfìcknefs ; which lat- ter Elihuprofecutes at large (chap: 3 3 .a 9,20,2 I, 2 2.) Re is chaftned alto with paineupon his bed, andthe multitudeofhis bones with ftrongpaine; fo that his life abhorred' bread, &c. And what hefpeakes of ficknefs is applicable to any or all forts ofa f i6iion; in all which (as it is fayd, v. 27,28,29, 3o.) God lookethupon men, and if any fay I have finned and perverted that which is right, and it profiteth menot; he will deliver his a foule