Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v10

ía fl1 qVE il axa Chap. 3 i. An Expofition upon the Bo& of Jos. Verf. t y. It is ready to burft like new bottles. 'OW pro. utre The word which we render bottles, is never ufed in Scripture nonalibi repe- elsewhere in this fence, but it is often ufed to iìgnifie Wizards, rì th'ofepe pro or fuch as have familiar Spirits (Ill: 8. ay. Ifa: zy. 4.) becaufe çuihocariaádi they who ufed thole arts by compa& with:h,e llevill, did genre ocean fpeak out of their belly,& fo as it were,out of a bottle. Now;Caith tor velar en u. Elihu, My belly is as new wine that bath no vent, and it is ready tribes vocem to burfi like new bottles evennew bottleswill break,. unle fe the iemitterent. new wine have fome vent. And becaufe thous h n_vn: bco l::s be 7111'e a Grecis ; aayaspr u3s fironger then old to keepe in wine , yet Eh: wine may he in dicuntur. ftrong as tobreake them,therefore .ól' ni here-by fhew..:;sthat his Mac de re or neceflity of 'peaking was to urgent upon him, that tiro h_ he fhot,ld firengthen himfelfe, yea drive with himfelfe as m h as he could to refraine from ípeaking, yet fpeake he Muff. I g full of matter, &ç. Obferve, Firfc. man fheuld not !Peak, efpecially in weighty matters , till himfelfe be wellflored with matter. Secondly , Obferve. When forne ells are drawnquite dry, and inflrumentsfpent and worne e hehumps, when they can neither doe nor fay anymore, the Godfills up and furnifheth others for hispar- pefe. Therewas not a dro more tobe fqueez'd out of fobs friends, but Elihu was a full bottle (Mal: a, x 5.) there is a refidue of the Spirit ; God hath more Spirit or fpirituall abilities todif- pofe of, and bellow then he bath yet difpofed of to, or bellowed upon any one or all the Eons of men. Thirdly , Note. God can furnifh Inflruments with proper gifts for the worke which he Call,. them to. Here was a manCut out on purpofe for this wórke, he was Clorlied with a fpirit of prudence and courage, as well as with aifpìrit of dífcerning. We have a wonderful! Example of this in Luther,