Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v10

'Chap. 3 2. An Expofition upon the Bookof J o B. Verf. i9. 113 Luther, who came forth againft all the powers of the papacy, What a fpirit had.he ? his was a fpirit of might-, his fpirit Con-. ftrained him, his bellywas like abottle full ofnew wine, there was no flopping of it. Others would have been daunted and cowed downe with the tenth of that oppolition which he met wi_h, buthe was bold as a Lyon, who turnethnot afide. Againe , Why didElihu come forth? whydid his fpirit con- flraine him?what'made his belly like wine?Some charge him with pride and arrogancy of fpi: it, as ifhe did it out of vaine oflenta- tion, to thewhis parts andgifts, to fet himfelfe above thole. o- ther Wortbyes who had dealt and difcourfed vvíth.3ob before. But we have reafon enough (c'mfidering what he fpake, and t °hat theitfue'-of his fpeaking was ) to determine, that he was moved with a zeale for God, and to doe good to fob, not with a fpirit of pride to thew his learning , wit or wifdome among men; and therefore we finde that when the whole matter was brought to an ifiue, and God himfelfe came to deale with fób ánd his three friends, God commends Job, and reproves his three friends , but there is no reproofe `upon Elïhu. Now for as much as God himfeife loth not charge him, what hash nun to doe to charge him ? Not only charity but reafon and judgement command us to think his defigne knell, andhis.aymes.fincere, while he'profefferh under fo, vehement an imp e or impreflìen upon his fpirit ro engage;and fpeake in this ma er. Hence note, Thirdly. re fee troth ill horded, fhouid fill our fp rits with much zeal for God. That was it which drew Elthu to this engagement, he law thole men ( though good men) had put a difguife upon the thingsanddealings of Cod ; and if men difguife the truth, and maintaine error, if they deface the dodlrines of faith and pure worthip, with their owne phanfies ,and falte gloffes , it fhould . kindle a holy fire and ferveur of fpirit in us, toaffert and vindi- cate the truth. Our fpirit within:us (in all fuch cafes) fhould Conflraine us. Fifthly : Ín that El'howas fo Conllrained--and preffed in fpi- rit, as wine which Bath novent , or as a woman with Child ready eo travell. Note.