Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v10

142 Chap, 3-3. An Expo' ton upon the, hoèk,of J o13. Verf. T. goroufly upon thee, tocommand ór demand thy attention, but as a faithfrdli friend I de, fre thee to attend unto my fpeech, and hiar r to my voice, Secondly, He moves him to here, by profeffing.hisown rea- dinefle-and prelaredneffe to (peak in the 'ad verfe ; Behold now Ihave o cued my mouth, my tongue hat(,fpoken in my reoath ; that 'is, I have been ( as it were) tuning my instrument, and fitting my felfe for difcotrfe, let menot Toole my labour nor my flúdy. - Thirdly , He moves, him to attend from the fincerity and gra- ,cious Ingenuity of his heart in that which he had to fay to him. Titis'he layeth before him in the 3d verfe ; Mywords hall be or th;e uprightne,ffe of my heart, and my lips (hall litter l<;rowledge cleared y. What better Encouragement toheare ! And Fourthly , Ehlou moves him to hearefrom the Confiderotion ofhis prefent hate, as a man, not only madeby God, but by him intruded for the -work which hehad undertaken, the former of which is Expreh, the latter Implyed in the 4th verfe; The Spirit of God bath made me; and the breath of the Almighty bath oven me life. Thus Elihu Calls outJob to heart. And Secondly , As he invites him. to Ilenewhat he had to fay°, fo .provokes him to anfwer What he Mould fay, verf. 5. If thou canfi ar,fwer me, fit thy- Words in order before me, Hand rs7. As if hé had laid, Be not difcouraged, take heart man, doe thy beh to defend thy felfe, ondi tnäke good thy ovine caufe again( What I (hall fay Spate-me-not ; Doe thybet, thy utn.oh. Having thus encouraged him in General to anfwer, he pro-- ceeds togive him two fpeciall Motives. . Fttf}, From their Common Bate or Condition, in the 6th `verfe ; Behold, Iam according to thywith in Gods f ead ; Ialto am formed out ofthe clay. As if he had fayd ; Too have often defired ro'p/end with Gód, it that Cod wouldheare yourplea ; now confider, 7 am in Godsfiend, though aman like your felfe. Secondly , He encouragethhim from the tenderneflè of his 1 ¡':iris ttward him, refpeding his prefent Condition, promifn ra deal With, or Create him.fairely, gently, in the 7thverle; Behold, army terror frill not-make thee afraid, neither (hall my hand be hen-` vywpm thee. That favour Job h id asked of God , in the tl Chapter ; Let not thy terror make me afraid. Now faith i rhrs, t a.'EVhicá thou didl,t fear fromGod,thot, needetl'nor at all feare in