Chap. 3 3. An E'er: Lion upon the bo&l`, of o E. Vert. a. in dealing withme , Aay ternsr fhall not make thee afraid, &c. Thus Elihsa begins with fob, that he might lead him to receive fdrely, ar anfwerfullywhat ho had to lay. The three 6rli verses of the Chapter, Comaine the 'firut part of the Preface, wherein Elihu excires,and calls forth fobs atten- tion by thole foure Conliderarions already diliinSly propored, the fait whereof is layd dcwne, serf. a. Wherefore, ob, Ipray thee, hea.-eno fpeecbes, and hearken to all my words. Elihu begins very mildly, fweetly, infinuatingly , even en- treatingly, and befeechingly, wherefore. I pray thee. The word which we tranflate, Ipray thee-, is in the Hebrew itil adhortan- language amonafyilable adverb of. obfecration or exhortation. I to vel exci- thee, tooth rum eti, pray am obfeeran*i. Hence note.. 7is good to rifegentleneje towards theft with whom we have to deale, efpecially with theft who are either outwardly affli- r;ted,l or troubled inJ irit. Entfeatì.es have great power ; and therefore though;the Pro- phets and Apoliles fpeake fometimes in a threatning way, and command attention upon utmoli peril, yet for the mofi part they. befpeake it with Entreaties, (2Cor: 5.2o,) Now then we as Embaffadors for Chrift, as though God did befeech you by' yus, we' pray you inChriIts Head be ye reconciled to Clod. The Apoftles went about abeggitg,.as it were, with this meffage, with the befi meffage that ever was carried forth to the world, Reconciliation unto God'; we pray you. And againe (2Cor: 6. i.) We then as workers together with him, befeech you alfo thatyou receive not the grace ofGod in vaine; that is, the do&rine of the Gofpel hold- ing forth the grace and favour of God freely in Jens Chrifi, (r Thef 4. i.) 'Furthermore, we befeech you brethren, that as ye have receivedof su how ye ought to wake, and to pleafe God, fo ye would abound moreandmore. As he did befeech them not to receive the grace of God in vaine , fo he did befeech them to a progrefs in Sk an Improvement of that grace,Agin(tThef 2.7.) we