Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v10

Chap. 3 3. An Exposition upon the Book,of o B. Verf. 3. 15 3 the uprightneffe of my heart, I will fpeake in the uprighmetreof my heart, or according to the uprightneffe of myheart;my words !hall be upright asmy heart is; the plain truth is this, Iwillfpe. giacere e"tabf- truthplainly, l'le fpeak, as I thinke, you may fee the Image of my quo uilo faces heart upon every word , I will fpeak, without dawbing , without proferam aniaú either simulation or drmulation. Some conceive this to be a mei fe'efa. Bez; ferret reproofe of,or refleblionupon Jobs friends, as if Elihu had fufpe6ted them to have spoken worse of jab, then they could thinke him tobe in their hearts. But as we cannot judge mens hearts dire&ly, fo there is no reafon why we should judge fo of their hearts conje&urally. It is enough to the purpofe,that Elihu afferts his owne uprightneffe without refle6fing upon or fufpec4- ing the uprightneffe of thofe, who had dealt with job before ; Mywordsshall be in the-uprightneffeof my heart. This uprightneffeof his heart mayhave a three-fold Oppofiti- on. First, to paf on ; Some fpeake in the heat and fire of their hearts, rather then in the uprightneffe of them ; it is good to fpeak with the heat and fire of zeal in our hearts ; but take heed ofthe heat and fire of pailion, I will not fpeak inthe-'heat, but in the uprightneffe of my heart, faith Elihu Secondly, This uprightneffe may be oppos'd to partiality, I will not fpare when there is caufe to fpeake home, nor prefle, nor load thee with any thing where there is not caufe for it. Thirdly , This uprightneffe in fpeaking4 ay also be oppos'd Non loquar ad to fpeaking without cleare ground or proofe. And 'tis fuppofed calumniendum that Eiihu aymed more fpectally at this, Jobs friends having beenvel ad. riden fo high in his reproofe, charging him with divers things for darn, fed fm- which they had no proofe, but only a vehement fufpition. The vler:iatet maa-d words of Eliphaz are full (Chap: 22. 5, ) Ic not thy wickedcaeffe nifefîandam. great,and thine iniquities infinite ? for thou haft taken apledge from Aqum.: thy brother fornaught, andf¢ripped the naked of their Clothing : Thouhaltfent widdowe? empty away, and thearmes of the father- leffehave been broken : Surely Elaphaz could not fpeak this in the uprightne{feof his heart, knowing it tobe fo,though he fpake it in this uprightneffe of his heart, that he really thought it tobe fo.Which kindofuprightneffe Paul had inperfecuttng theSaints, ( Af`Is 26. g.) Iverily thought withmy felfe, that I ought to doe- many things contrary to the Name of yefiu 'of Nazareth. Thus jabs friends verily thought he had done manyGroffe things con- X tra-