Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v10

t 54 Chap. 3 3. An E.xpofition upon the Book, of J o B. Vetf.3,, trary to the Law ofGod, but theyonly thought fo, they could, not prove it ; This is a lame kinde ofuprightnetle, and in, oppofi- tion to this Eau might now fay, I will net charge or burden thee with any thing but what 'I know to be true , and had even from thy own mouth. My words pall be-ofthe uprightneffeofmy heart. 1 (hall not flay to give particular notes from thefe words, according to this three-fold oppofition ;- The reader may im- prove them in that , as he bath occafion ; Only in-Generall Obferve. The heart and tongue fhould goe together. The tongue, 4jould alwayes be the hearts Interprerer , and the heart il,ould' alwayesbe the tongues fuggefler ; what is fpo., ken with the tongue fhould, be firiI ifampt upon the heart, and wrought off from it. Thus it fhould be in all our Communica. Lions and exhortations, efpeciatlywhen we fpeak or exhortabout the things 'of God, and difpence the mylleries of heaven. 2M- vid fpake from-his heart while he fpake from his faith(Pfa/: t 16. ao.) _I believed, therefore have I f#oktn. Believing is anacI of the heart, with the heart man believeth ; fo that to fay, Ibélie- ved, therefore have I ffrok,en ; Is as if hehad Paid, 'I would never have fpoken thefe things, if my heart had not been cleare And up- right an them, Thels.poille takes up that veryproteffa ion from .,()avid ( 2 Cor: 4. i 3.) According as it is written, I believed, therefore have I fpoken ; we alfo believe, and therefore fpeak; that is, we moved others to believe nothing but what webelieved, yea;were. fully allured of, our felves, as the next words of the Apoflle import, Knowing, that he which raifed up the Lord Pfau, isse/iraife up sus. alto by jefua, andpall prefent us with you. To fpeak what we in our hearts believe, is to fpeak in--the- upright- neffe of our hearts. Some fpeakwithout their hearts, that is, coldly, they have no heart at all in fpeaking ; as fome heare without their hearts, only with their eaves ; fo force fpeak without the heart, onlywith the tongue. Secondly , Others fpeake what was never in their hearts; They have no experience -in 'themfelves of what they fay to o- thers. They throwout their words at a venture. It is fad too