I 56 Chap. 3 3. An Expoftion upon the Book of J o B, Vérf.3. and guile, yea pofl'ibly nothing but wrath and reven°e to death. Thus Ifhmael went out weeping allalong arhewent (fer:45.6.) and fayd, Cerne to Gedaliah, the fox ofAhikam, yet he invited them into the City as poore birds into a fnare, to deftroy them prefently He was feerningly troubled at their aiflidtion and - wept, but his were Crocodiles tears , he murthered them as Toone as he had them inhis power. Thirdly, Some fpeake againft their hearts dodtrinally or in the Doctrines which they propound and teach. There are three forts who (peakamide doctrinally. Firft, Some .fpeak that which is not right itrtheuprightneffe of their hearts ; or, tmay fay, they fpeak that which is falìe witha true heart; that is , they think it to be a truth which they, ut- ter, when 'cis an error, and will be found fo atlait. When ever we fee different opinions dillymaintained amonghonett andgod- ly men, { which though is be a very fad fight, yet it is too often feene,in that cafe I fay) one fide alwayes fpeaks that which is falfe with a true heart, andutters error uprightly. The truth is, . force men defend an error with better and more honett hearts, then foine others defend'the trurh. For Secondly , There are fuck as fpeak right without any up- rightneife of heart, or they fpeak truth with afalfeheart ; this Elihnfpecialiy profeffeth against ; he would not only fpeak that which was right, but with uprightneffe. The Apoftle found fe- veral teachers of this fecund fort ( Phil: t. 56, 17, 58.) Some preach Chrift, that is,the Gofpel, yea the truth of Chrift in the Gofpel, (elfe the Apoftlewould not have rejoyced in it, as he profefleth he did at the 18th verfe, I therein doe rejoycè, yea and will rejoyce) Yet thefe men did not preach in the uprightneffe of their own hearts for, faith he, Some Preach Chri.bï- out ofen- vy and:ftrife,andfume out ofgoodwill,(they preached Chrift, pure Gofpel; yet not withpure hearts, for;he adds,they did it ) f oppo ling toadde affliction to my bonds ; They preacht to oppofe the Apoftles more then to fet up Chrift, and though they preached the,truth, yet they did it more in pretence them in, truth ; as'tis fayd at the 1 8th verfe. The fame Apditle fpeakes of others, a Cor: II. 13, r4. ) who preachedwhat wastrue for the mat- ter, and yethe calls them falfe Apoffles, deceitfull workers, tranf è fórmtng thernfelves into the-Afioffles of Chrift, and no marvell, for Sato-