1'66 Chap. 33. An Expófition upan the Bookof o B. 'Verf. 4 perfe&ing from day today. (2 7hef z. í 3.:) We areGourd to give thanks to Clodfor you, brethren, beloved of the Lerd, becaufe god bathfrom the beginning chofe t you to-falvataen, through f `an- ttificationáf theSpirit, and biliefeof the truth. And the Apofile Peter writes to the Elea ( a Pet: t. z.) according to the fore- knowledge of God the father, through fa.t ftcation of the Spirit, Now, whocan doe thefegreat things but God ? who can regene- rate, or giveanewnature, who can fanaifie or perfedt that new nature but God alone ? Men and Angels muff let thefe workes a- lone for ever, or ( as we tranlate, Pfal: 49. S. ) thefe a&sceafe for ever - frommen and Angels , as much as the redemption of man from the grave, or from hell, from corruption, or condent- nation. Secondly, The Spirit is omnifcient , He knoweth all things, (I Cor: 1.12. 2 1o. 19.) The, Spirit'knórveth all things, yea the deep things ofGod. He is not only acquainted with, and prrvte to the furface andoutride of things,' but he fearcheth things to the bottomof them. Nor doth he fearch only the deepe or bottome things of common men, or ofthechiefeft of men,Kiegs andPrin- ces, ( whofe hearts areufually as muchdeeper then other mens, as their perfons and places are higher) but the Spirit fearcheth the deep things, the bottome things of God, the things of God that lye lowek and mots out of flight, the Spirit underftandeth ; therefore theSpirit is God. For (as the.Apofile argueth, I .Cor: 2. II.) No man k.noweth the things of aman , fave thefpirit ofa man that is in him ; evenfo the things of God knoweth no man but the Spirit of God, or, he that is God ; if the fpirit that is in man, were not man;or the intelleauall power in man;it couldne- ver know the things of man ; and if the Spirit of God were not God,lae couldnever fearch -nd know-the deep,the deepefi things of-God. Thirdly , As the Spiritof God knoweth all things, as he fear- cheth the deep things,even allthe fecrets, and myfieriesof God; fo he teafheth all things, even all thofe fecrets and myfieries of God,which 'tis needful or ufeful for man toknow.The Spirit is a teacher, and he teacheth effedtually (foh:16.13.) when the Spi- rit oftruth is come, he willguidefyou into all truth : for he (hall not (f:eáiko fkmfelfe ( that is, he fl-all not teach you a private do- ¿trine, or that-which is contrary to what ye have learned ofme ) but