Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v10

174 ' Chap. 3 3. An Expef,-tien t-open the .Bo&of J o B. Verf. 40 OJob, Ihavemoved thee to,heare mepatiently , and attentively, and let it not fecmegrievous to thee to doefoe; For, though Iam thy inferiour in age, and degree , yet Iam a man as well as thou, . andI have afoule andbody like thine, yea the Spirit of Gad that mademe, hash alfo furni fhed me ; ¡leavereceived ability from God AS than hail, Ifland upon.even ground, or equal' termer with thee, as to creation, and I am not altogether voyd of ie,flrasffion ; and thereforeas a man Ihavea pófbility tounderßland reafon ; and as a man indowedby theSpirit of God, I. have a capability to direct thee about the wayes of God, or how to underftand.and comport with hisprovidences towards thee. Thou-hall been long under the hand ofgod , and long in the hands of men, who haverather en- tangled and troubled thy mind then eafed it ; who 'mower but that T,who all this while have beenbut a laolter on, may feefomewhat in thy cafe, which hath hitherto been hid from thy former underta- kers. Therefore pray favour me (it may prove in the ;Pie a favour to thyfelfe) with an houre or two of patient attention. Take this note from it. The confderation of our commonoriginal!, that we have all one maker, or are all code out of the handof God, fhoeild make us willing to heart, and learnt ofone another. Thus Elihu argueth ; Heare me ;'why ? Becaufe the Spirit of Godhath made me, as well as thee ; doe not defpifewhat I have to fay, as ifyouwere a man of another mould, or pedigree, the fameGod, out of the fame matter, -by the. fameWord, and Spi- rit, bath form'd us both. some piaures are more highly prized thenothers of the fame perfon, becaufe drawne by a better hand, byAn Apelles, or AMichael Angelo. The fameof the Artiff or workman puts a value upon the worke; And the title of the Au- thour Both fometimes commend apiecemore then,in truth, ei- ther the forme or matter. But comeamong-the fons of men, all their faces and features aredrawn byonehand-; The fame moff : exa6 hand- of God bathwrought and fafhioned themall, both as to their curfde, and infide, both as to the forme of thefe houfes of clay, and as to all the ornaments and beautifyings ofthem. -As we allwalke uponthe fame earth, drinke out of the fame wa- ter, breath in the fame ayre, as we are all covered with the fame Canopy of heaven, and lightedWith the fame sun , fo - we are all made