Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v10

Chap. 3 3. An Expofition upon the Bookof J o B. Verf. 5. 177 beare and carry it through. Anfwer me if thou canfi, otherwife I willfpeak,rny thoughts out, andmake what ufe ofit thou pleafeft. Thirdly, I conceive Eliha might here intend to let job under- (land, that he was refolved to put him to the utmofl, that he was refolved to bring the ilrongetl arguments, and ufe the quickefl way of reafoning for his convi&ion that he could; and that there- fore he altoadvifeth fob to doe the like,to doe his befl,to buckle himfelfe to the bufinefhe with all his might, for he was not come to dally with him : he would have him fer his shoulders to the work, and gather all the, forces of his foule to the battaile, he bids him bring fortheven his horfemen for his defence ( as I may fpeak in allufìon to that in the t 2th of feremy ; If thou haft run with footmen, and they have wearied thee, how fhalt thou contend with horfes) Elihu was purpofed and refolved tobring out his greatefl flrength, his horfemen to the battaile, and therefore wifheth fob doe fo too. Thus he gives him faire warning, If thou canft, anfwer me ; doe thy utmolf, I am ready for thee. Fourthly, While Elihu faith, If thou can't, anfwer me, pet thy wordsin order before me, ftand up. We may take his words as a gentle and fweete invitation to the worke ; As if lite had fayd, If thou haft fpirits enow left to held difcourfe withme, or to reply upon me, come friend, fpareme not, pet thywords in order before me, I will not be a terror to thee. Or there may be this condefcending fence in thefe words ofE/ihu ; Doe not thinke (p fob ) becaufe I begin tofpeak,that therefore Imeane tofpeakall,or to have all the difcourfe my felfe; affure thyfelfe,Ihave no purpofe to hinder thee in any defence which thou art able tomake for thyfelfe : No,though I am comewith my heft preparations to urge thee, and reply upon thee, as to all that hathpart between thee and thy friends, yet I am as willing that thou fhouldeft anfwer, as I am readyprepared and preft tofpeake; thou hart free leave to make thy Apologie, to fay what thoucanft for thyfelfe, I intendnot to impofe upon thee, nor by any Authority to compell thee to Rand to myfentence, as if I. were thy Mailer, or would Lord it over thee; Doe and fpeake thy bell for thyowne vindication, I am ready to receive it from thee, andgive theeafaire account of thoughts about it. If thou canfi, anfwcr me, Set thy words in order before me. 'Tis ametaphorical fpeech, often and mofi properly ufed for ß`1V A a the