Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v10

Chap. 3 3. An Expofition upon the Boob, of o B. Verf. 6. 18r a one to thee as thou haft delired; For as twill be a faithfull ad- vocate for God,fo,I, who am in Godsffead, will not (as thou haft prayed God would not at the hearing of thy cafe) be terrible nor dreadfull to thee ; I doubt not but to carry the matter with thee to thy hearts content. I am according to thywifh. Hence note. Wee fhould labour asmuch as in as lieth to anfwer the defines andwif;es ofothers inall things lawfull, cfpecially when they are weak and labouring under fore burthens of ofliftion and infirmity. It is not good to becroffe-grain'dat any time toour brethren; muchleffe at fuch a time ; fome love (as it were) to lie thwart in everybufineffe, nor is any thingmore defireable to them, then to oppofe another mansdefire. The fweetneffe and ingenuity of thefewords, I am according to your will), in what I fafely may, is feldome heard among brethren. Some indeed are too forward to be according to the with of others in things that are finfull. When theeves andmurderers fay to them, Come, come with ud, let us lay wait.for blood, let us lurks privily for the innocent without castle, &c. Caft inyour lot among us , let us all have one purfe ; They fay, we are according to your with, we will goe withyou. When the.prophane fay,come run with us into all exceffe of riot, to drunkennefs .:nd uneleannefs, theyanfwer,we are according to your with, weare for you. It isgood to lie croffe to the finfull defires of men ; but to comply with their honefl defires, and to anfwer, every good with of their foules , is a. great part of our goodneffe, and of our fulfilling the law of love : -we fhould firive in that fence, to fall in with every oneswith, and to become all things to all men, both for their edification and confolation; Behold, I am according to thy with. Secondly , Thefe words are rendred flriculy out of the Uri- s>n fe un- ginal thus, , Iam according to thy mouth, or meafure ; I am in the dun? os tuuna. . fame condition and fate as thou art. Thus alto they are words f e. fiat tu.. of encouragement tofeb,affuring him that he fhould not be over- power'd,nor borne downe by force. This forme of fpeaking is ufed frequently in Scripture, to note the futableneffe or propor- tionof things; The Ifraelites ( Exod: -. 16. 21.) gathered Manna every, morning, Everyman according to his eating. The Hebrew yuxta os eders is, fui. Heb: -