Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v10

t82. Chap. 33. An Exposition upon the Bookof J o B. Nerf. 6,_ is, every one didgather to the mouth of his eating, that is, accord- ing to the meafure of his eating, fuch was the meafure of his ga- thering. The Nazarite was to offer according to the vow which fuxta o: ti he vowed ( Numb: 6. at.) The Hebrew is, according to themouth fui. Heb: "ti Tiocto fer- ofhis vow. Again 'tis faid (2jumb: 7. 5.) Mofes was togive vitj.Heb: the offerings of the Princes of Ifrael to the Levites, to everyman according to his,fcrvice, or, according to the mouth (that is, the condition and degree) of his fervice. Once more, Solomon ( Prov: a2.6.) pref ling the good and genuine education of chil- super os vi,e dren, expreffeth it thus ; 7"rain up a child in theway that heAmid fuo. Heb: goe; The Original upon the mouth ofhis way ; that is , in fuch a way as is not only good and honefl in it felfe, but moll proper and congeniali to the fpirit, difpofition, and capacity of the child. As children are to be fed with fuch meates, fo to be taught in fuch a manner as they canmoll eally and profitablydi- geft. After this manner, or to this fence , Eltha fpeakes to 3-eh, Stand up, lam according to thy month or meafure ; As it he had laid ; god indeed ù infinitely above thy meafure, But I, who am tome to deale with thee inGods ¡lead, am accord;rg to thy mouth or meafure, thereforetake courage ; one man is like another, the mea- fure ofone man io the meafureofanother. There are I grant,.feve- rall differences among men, both as to civils and fpiritualls; there are feverall gradual? and perfonall differences,but no fpeci- f;call difference among men ; every man is according ros the mouth or meafure of anyother man : in that Godonly tranfcends the meafureof all men ;'My thoughts are not es your thoughts, nor my wayes us your wayes ; but look,as the heavens are high above the earth, fo my thoughts areaboveyour thoughts, andmy wayes above your wayes, faith the Lord ( ifa. 55. 8, g.) But the wayes of one man are like thewaves of other men, and the thoughts of one man are like the thoughts of other men ; There is no fuch tranf- cendency among men ; They are all (asmen) of one meafure, that is, not only finite, but they are all fhrort and narrow, even they who carry the greateft length andbreadth among the fons of men. If we confider man with man, as to his finfull condition, fo one man is perfefly like another; one man is of the famemea- fure with another ; as Solomon expreffeth it ( Pray: a7. 19. ) As in water face anfwersface,fo the heart ofman tóman. Ifman look downe into the water,that face which hefeeth in the water is like that