Chap. 3 3. An Expofition upon the Book, of J o B. Verf. 6. z8 3 that face which teeth the water. Thus the hearts of the children of men anfwer one another, heart answers heart, as face anfwers face : And as man anfwers man fully, as tonatural( finfulneffe, fo molly as tonaturali abilities , as for thofe which are acquired, though the difference may be fo great that one man may be clearly difcerned to excell another, yet that man who excells moil, doth not exceedman ; and therefore may betompaifedby man. It is faid ( Rev: 21.17. ) That the wall of the new jerk:- fa/emwas meafured according to the meafure ofa man,that is, ofthe Angel. There is one meafure ofan Angel, and there is another meafure of aman ; Angels have a meafure above men ; whythen Both he fay according to the meafureof aman,that is, of the An- gel ? I anfwer, he fpeakes fobecaufe the Angel appeared in the íhape ofa man, to doe that worke. Now as the meafure ( that is, the Ability ) of an Angel is above mans ; SoGod hath a meafure infinitely above both men and Angels. But men are of a mea- fure. Iam according to thy mouthor meafure. Hence note. Firl, elan and man are of a meafure. Let us not make a God of any man, no nor an Angel. The A- polle fade reproves thofe who had the perfonsof menin admira- tion. Menwill be leffe to us then was expe6ted, if we expe& too much from them', or more from them, then is meete. For though oneman may have a little more height and largenefle of parts and gifts, in that which is either acquired or infufed, then his neighbour, yet what man is there in the world , but hathhis match, & i'hall finde his meafure in forme other men ; yea,though fume men exceedinglyout-goe others, yet theirequalls maybe found among men, no man out-goes all men;, The bel of men have but the meafure ofaman. Secondly , Take thisCautionfrom it ; Let no man make agod of h mfelfe, or lool.uponhomfelfe as ifhe were inhis meafure beyond all other men, We are very apt to doe fo. And if we have but little more then fotneothers, we are ready to thinke we have more thenall others, or tolook upon our fel*es as if we tranf cended the meafure of mankinde, and fo fwell prefen:ly with pride and felfe=conceit; then which nothing is more uncomely ora :manly, Not a£kwe(leeme themfelves fo unparalell'd in the. parts