Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v10

184 Chap. 33 An E.xpoftion upon the Book of o n, Verf.E. parts and beauty oftheir bodies ,that they defpife others,and ma- ny doe it hi reference to the endowments and abilitiesof their minds ; they have fuch a quickneff of underflanding , fuch a firength of memory, fuch a fluency of fpeech, fuch a depthof rea- fon, fuch power of arguing, as they fuppofe none can match them or meafure with them. All fuch have forgotten thatthey are but men. Therefore as no man should admire another, fo lei him not thinke highly of himfelfe , let him rather thinke that though po fibly there are force below him, yet there maybe many, yea a great many more above him , and enow that are upon the fame levell with him. I am according to thy with or meafure, faith Elihu. L2tt4 In Gods fl tad. Pro deg ; erga tut how carne Elihu tobe in Gods 'lead ? had he a Cornmif- ileum. fon from God to undertake fob ? was he, as I may fay, Gods Delegate or Ambaffador ? did God fend him out upon this er- rand ? ifnot, why did he take fo much to himfelfe, as to fay, Iant according to thy mill in gods #ead ? Nonquadfedei I cannot fay, that Elihu had any formali Commillion to come loco all aut de- out, and appeare in Gods {lead, as an Atturny appeares in (lead um ¡Ili futurum of his Client, or as anAmbaffador in the fleád of his Prince ; Bat aut effe fed q dddeit, doubtleffeElam had an equivalent or virtual' Commllion, even a partes e' eau- mighty impreffion upon hisfpirit, by theSpirit of God to doe fo ; famfit contra his heart wasdrawne out fecretly, but flrongly to !land up and alum deferfu- undertake for God, towards the determination of this long con- rus. ut ilea il_ tinned difpute. I am ( faith he ) inGods(leador place ; in that le cum deo ob urtna1 place which if God himfelfe fhould fupply,he would be a dread eflatem P congreai vere- anda terrour to thee. But I a manof like palíìons as thy felfe, barur, offerer fa andbeing here in Gods behalfe,and byhis authority, in his name lobo dei loco and for his glory to fpeakunto thee,I (hall yet fpeak according to ai futurutn. the meafure of a man, and therefore, thou needefl not feare that Mere: .ego juxta os my terrour fhould make thee afraid, Iam in Gadsfead. mumdeo. i,e. Hence note. pro deo, efl e- Aim dativuo fa- They who fpealvtqethers about the things of God, floeuld!peak_ vorá. Bold: su God,or as put in Cods placeand (had. 'Tis enough tomake all the Miniflers of Chrifl tremble and try out in the Apofiles words, Who is fufficient for thefe things ? to