Chap: 3 3, An Expofition upon the Book of o B. Verf. d> Ib>5 to remember that when they fpeake tornen, they fpeake inGods Read. we ( faith the fame Apot}le, z C0r: 5.20. ) are Ah-abaff"a- dorsfor Christ, as though Goddidbefeech you byus, weprayyou is Chrifls fiead, be yee reconciled to God. Thus fpake he who had indeed an immediate call and commitfion from God ; and they who have not fuch an immediate call and commit%on as he had, yet fpeaking of or about the things of God ; and coming in the name of Gods they fhould fpeake as placed in Gds aead.. And if the Miniilers.of Chi ill ought to fpeake 44 in Gods head, then Purely they-that heare, should heare rhefn as fpeaking Gods {lead. The Apofhle tefli;ies of the Galatkians (.Gal:4, r.4,) My temptation which was in my fiefh ye defpifed not, norrejefted, but received me as an Angel ofGod , even as Chriîl Jefus. Ye receivedme not only as an Angel or meflènger of Chrih , but as if Chrih had been there in perfòn, fo did ye receive me. He gives the fame teflimonyof the 7heffalonians ( s Thef: 2. t 3. For this caufe alto thanke we God without ceafing, becaufe when ye received the word ofGod, whichyeheard ofus, ye received it not as theword of man, but (as it a in truth ) the word of God, which dell-maltymérketh alfe in you that beleeve. I doe not fay, that what every man fpeaketh about the things of God, is prefenrly to be taken for the word of God, or as ifGod fpake it. But if that be his (cope and purpofe, if that be his Theame and his hufine{fe, if that be the fubjeót matter and tubilanceof his fpeech, Then he ( as to the body of his fpeech) is to be lookt uponas utteringthe' word and mind. of God to Gods head. 'Tis a very great means to advance our pro`it inhearing the word, when they who fpeak it are lookt upon as fpeaking in Gods head, and not bringing an errand of their ovine. Before 1 palle from this ór11 claufe of the verfe, l (hall briefely touch two other readings and interpretations ofit. Firil, thus ; Behold, l am, as if thy mouth were to Clod ; that is,Ecce _ego quafs thouneedeh not as thou .hall wi!hed to gee or addretfe to God g/rat os "'um himfelfe for the layingopen of thy caufe,thematter may be done ad deum._Cc cs between me and thee, evenas if thou haditfpoken to God him- felfe. Secondly, Some render chore latter words not in Gods flead as we, But, in,refpeci of-God. As if he had faid,In refpe&t ofGod, I {land in the fame proportion, or upon the fame terms with thy B b £elfe,