186 Chap. 33. An Expefition upon the Book, of J o B. Verf,6, felfe, for he is the God of us both, nor, did Godmake me ofany better or more excellent matter then thou art made of; which, lie fully exprelteth in the dole of the verte,as it followeth. I alfa am formed out of the Clay. Thefewords are another argument ( as was (hewed when I gave the isrofpe&of the whole Context) why Job íhould heare I am in Cags fiead indeed, but I am a poore creature, moulded our of t7e.elift, made up of earth, as,thou art ; Ialfo am- formed out ofthe Clay ; therefore Band up, anfwer me, and feare not ; anfwer me and (pare not. The higheff and holyeft that ever difpenced the minde of. God, in Gods (lead, tohis Church and people here on earth, were made of earth , and were formed out of Clay. The Apoflle makes that humble confefïionof him felfe and fellow-Apoftles ( z Cor: 4.6.) We have this treafure in earthen ,veffels, that the excellency of thepower might beofGod; The weaknef's ofihe inflrument lifts up the gloryof the fuperior agent. They who by commiflion are the Miniflers of God, and fo in Gods Bead, are yet but, as other men, in their natnrall ffru&ure and conffitution. ( Ails io. 26. )whenCernelius gave toomuch refpe&, a kindeof Adoration to Peter, he forbad him, faying, Stand up, I alfo am a man. As if he had Paid with Elihu, I am formed out of the clay as well as thee. There is a refpe& clue to the perfons of men, and much more to the Meflengersof God, yet too muchmay Toonebe given ;'I will none of that,faith Peter ; I gift am a man. SoPaul and Barnabas ( A&s i.I. IS. when the people were fo hightned in their ignorant refpe&s, that they would have facrificed to them, asGods, They rent their cloathes (as in cafe ofblafphemy) and ran in among the people, crying out andfaying, Sirs, why doe ye thefe thing`? Wealfo are menfubjeEh to like paf)iö'Is withyou, &c. mrp I am alto [ formed ] or as the Hebrew fignifies, Cut eat ofthe Exefie, Clay: As the potter cuts off á rude lump ofclay from the whole maffe of clay before him, tomake a veffel ofit ; fo manis cut out of that maffe ofmankinde ; for though the birth and original( of man is now by anotherWay, then the firff manswas, yet we may all look upon our felves as having the fame originall ; we are cut out of the clay, and formed out oftheduf. Hence ..