Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v10

Chap. 3 3. An. Expofition upon the Boob,, of J,'o E. Verf. 6. 147 Hence note. For the matter all men have one originall. I sal foamformedout of Clay. I have heretofore met with this poynt, and therefore paffe it here. Secondly , From the fcope of Eliht4, Note. The confederation of our common condition, fhouldit us with cows_ paffion one toanother ; much more fhould it keep us from in- tuiting over one another. Elihu ufed this expreffion , to allureP6 that he would deale very tenderly with him ; What, doff thou think, that I who am a piece of clay will infult over thee, who art Os good a piece of clay as. I ? why fliould one earthen veffel dafh hard upon ano- ther ? Whenwe are tempted to pride in our felves, lec us re- member that we are clay , when we are provoked to anger a- gaintl our brethren , or to any harfh and-rigorous dealing with mb them , let us reme er that we alfo are clay, that our pedigree and our flock is from the duff as well as others. If our feet be, but a little fouled , we think our felves fomewhat humbledby ir, if but a little dirt flick to our (hoes, or hang about our deaths, we are fomewhat afhamed ofour felves, yetçhe truth is, we are all dull, all clay, all mire, we are nothing as to our bodyes, but a little living dull and breathingclay, why then fhould we be lifted up in high thoughts of our felves ? I might hence altogive a third note ; 'Tis acommon Theame, but of important ufeful- neffe. cillan is avery fraile creature , be is clay: But having had occafion to (peak to this alloheretofore,I fháli. not flay upon it. Only confider, that, as -man is clay, fo he is re- turning fo clay , yea turning into clay. We are but a little well compacted andcompounded duff, and we (hall ere long crumble into dui+. We are every day going back , and ('mall (hortly be gone back towhat at firfl we were. Thefe confiderationsihould wither andnip the buildings of felfe-confidence, and bring down the height ofmans fpirit l Rlfoam formed 'out ofthe slay. Bba We