r88 Chap. 3 3. An Expofition upon the Book of j o s:. Verf:T: We may take notice of one thing farther, Elihu fpeaking here of his own natural! formation, gives it in this ftile;.Iglf Gtm for- med out .of the clay. This- is a peculiar 'Scripture-exprei1ìon, or the proper phrafe of the holy (hoft, not of a heathen Author Poet, or Orator. They at belt had only rune. rude notions about this inyftery of mans originall, His formation by the power of God out of the earth. Whichmay enforme us, that the Saints and people ofGod in thole elder and darker times, were famili- arly acquainted with the dottrim of thecreation, and knew well how to fneake in a Scripture language, though they had not then the writtenword or Scriptures ; For 'cis a queftion whether thefe tranfa&ions were before the giving of the Law or after Howe- terraformatione vet, they were verfed inS:ripture truths, and in thole formes of myfleriumpeni- fpeech by which God gave out his mìnde. to their forefathers; tits tgnorarunt. . Bold; _ Here's Scriptureprafe, I alfo am formed .out of the clay. And therefore Eliho, as fencible of mothers frailty by the experience which hehad of his own , fubjoynes this Aifurance of his refpe& to job's weakuefs in what he fi ould further fay, Verf. 7 Behold, my terror (hall not make thee afraid, neither= fhall my hand beheavie upon thee. Elihuhad givenjobmuch fecurity already that he would deale fairelywith him ; áßd here he gives him a promie for.it Asif hehad faid ; Igive thee my hand, Iplight thee my truth, that my, terror (hall not make theeafraid, nor [hall my hand be heavie upon. Veruntamen thee. The vulgar tranflation reads, my miracles (or what 1 will miraculum doe in any !range . and unufuall- way) fhallnot terrific thee. In- °"- tá non deed miracles haue a kinde of terror in them ; But we need not terreat. Vulg:' fucha ftraine upon the Text. The word which we tránflate terror Gonifies that whichis moi'terrible and dreadfull to-man sr4x even the Maaiflrates throne, the prefence of great Princes; of terrorem fieno- b ' b -tat eYfepea- whichSolomon faith (Pro: tot 28.) The King 'fitting ;upon the. him, qui inft- throne,fcattereth all evill withhis eyes ; that is, with the terrible cieregí, Judi looks of Majefty whichGod hath ftampt uponhimt The Prophet ca, principi (Ter. yo. 38. ) ufeth this word to expreffe idols or falfe Gods elucer, by ; and he calls them fo either in a holy fco:rne; Oahefe dumbe. :dolls whichhave eyes and fee not, caress and beare not, feete and realke, not, are .doubdeffe very, flarewd .and. terrible . things, are they- Gentes erdm hoc de primi hominir faba a.deo plafma- tione & ex