Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v10

Chap. 33. An Expofttion upon the Book.of J o B. Verf, 7. iffy they not ? have we not great reafon to feare what thefe doughty Gods will fay or doe, who can neither fay nor doe any thing ? Thus he might call them in away of (corn : or he calls thofa Idolls terrible things Jehim, from the event, becaufe foolish, vaine, ignorant men, did exceedinglyfeare them, or were much terrified by them, and God left them to their own, feares and terrors , as he fpake by the Prophet ,( Ifa: 66:4.) I alfo will chafe their delufaons, and bring their fearer upon them. As if he had faid, Becanfethey being vainely deluded¡have chofen to feare that which wasnot to befearek,therefore I al fo will make this my, choyce to bring that apex them which they feared, and hoped to aveyd by following and worfhippi v Idolls, or by their Idolatrare, worfhtp: Nowwhereas Tobwas afraid of the terror of the true God,Elthu, who prefented himfelfe in-Gods dead, tells him, my terror (halt not make thee afraid. Andwe may well conceive , that Elihee fpake this ironically concerning himfelfe ; for having fayd before, famhe a piece ofclay, furely then my terror cannot make, theeTerror minimd afraid. What terriblenefs is there ina piece ofclay, in a clod ofpoteft ba earth ? What are the tnoa terrible of the fons of men, that they mega luti,quaa fhouldbe a terror ro us ? we oughenorto trua in the mightiea lr e.g 4/72711°. among. men,why then should we feare them, or what need we homo° feare them ? Whoart thou ( faith theProphet, Ifa: 51. i a, .I 3. ) that thoufhouldefl be afraid ofa man that (hall dye, andof the fon ofman that (hall be made as Graffe ? and forgetteft the Lord thy maker. We never feare men unduely, till we doe-one of or both thefe things , either fire forget God who'madeus, or fecondly, forget of what other men aremade.I am but a pieceof clay (faith E'lihm)what matter ofterror canI be to thee I wonder? In that Elibm-giveth yob filch a proWife, Behold, my terror (hall net make thee afraid,' Note. ()un fhanld flew h.rmfelfefaire 'and meekë to men, efpecially to aman in a f flithion. Itispollible for a man; though hebebut clay, as another ntar is, yet to cloath himfelfe, as it were, with terror, yea as theneck of the horfe is faid to be clothed { job: 39. : 9:) oith'thunder. He may put ona kinde of dreadfulneffe as a Garment, and app peare -very formidable tò hisbrother.:Some men indeed ap- peare