-.?310 Chap. 3 3. An Expofation upon the Bookóf ] o B. Verf. T peare to men asa Wolfe to a poore fheepe, or as a Beare and Lyon to a Lamb. Though but clay, yet flow fcaringly doe force then look and Lord it over their brethren! they will tore upon them likeaLion, and rend them like a Beare clouds anddirk- nefs are in their faces, and forme fits upon their browes. There is a terribleneffe of man to man. Thus the holy Prophet (Ifa: 25. 2. ) faith, The,blafl of the terrible one is like aflorme againflthe wall. Yea, roue men are not only dreadful!, like favage beafs, but like devills, they even a6f or play the devill with their bre- tliren. How farre have theydeparted from their duty,and broken all the lawes oflove,which command us tobeagGodone to ano- ther, in kindnef,,c, in mercy and coinpaffion ? I grant, Magifirates by their place and office are faid to be terrible, yea a terror, but it is to evil! doers ( Rom: 13. 3.) Rulers are not a terror togood workes, but to the evil! ; that is, not to thofe whole workes are good, but to evil! workers. And to them they ought to be a ter- ror ; For they doe not Beare the fwordin vaine;that is, tohold it in their hands, or let it ruf in the fcabbard, and never frike with it ; As they are Miniflers ofGod, fo avengers towards men, to execute wrath upon him that Both evil!. Againe , Gofpel-Mini- ..fiers in force cafes are to be terrible, they may be Boanergeffes, fons of thunder to the obfinate and rebellious, to the proud and prefumptuous finner ; they muf cut himout a portion to his condition, and fave him (if it maybe ) with feare. But the gene- ral( temper and carriage of the Minifers of the Gofpel is meek- nefs and gentleneffe, they lhould be full of love and of compaf- fion, inflruiling even thofe that oppofe themfelves, ifGodperadven- ture willgive them repentance, to the acknowledging of the truth.. (27 im: 2.2 5, 26.) The Minifers ofChrifmuff not deale out terror, till there be a neceflity of it : And aiwayes they who doe well, or are humbled for the evil! which theyhave done, mufbe handled tenderly. My terror (hull not male theeafrael, Neither frail my hand be heavieupon thee. Ontomeumfu- . My Burthen fhall not be heavieupon thee, faith the Chaldee ter tonon exit Paraphrafe, an fo force translate out of the Hebrew , taking the grave. Targ: derivation of the word. from a ruote which fignifieth to bowdowne quidH am itafu lecem the backe, as we doe when a burden is layd upon us. So the word nuns quaffve is rendred (Prov: 16. 2 6.) He that laboureth, laboursfor him- feife,