Chap. 3 3. An Expofition upon the Bo& of -Jon. Verf. 7. 191 yelfe, forhis mouthcraveth it ofhim , that's our reading and we fiat ab Dtt put in the Margent, and hù mouth bometh unto him. The mouth quod eft incur. of a labouring man boweth to him, as begging that he would get meamÿod bt andgive it fomething to Bate,and fatisfie the craving of his hun- imponam non gry (iomacke. 'Tis fad to fee fomepoore then fo given to Idle ertr tale, urfub nefs, that they had rather (Wye thenworke, and when ( accord- eo ineurvero,. ing to the propriety of this text in the Proverbs) their mouthEi. °Id: botveth to them that they would take paines to get a little bread;Pere un fe fu y P per cum osfu- to eater they had rather endure the burthenof hunger, then the um. Mont: burthen of labour ; But I inflance this place only for that word which fignifies a burthen, or to burthen. Thofe dreadful( Pro- phecies which mere publifhed againfl any people in Scripture, are called Burthens. The Berthen of `puma; the burthen of Da- mafcus ; the burthen ofBabylon ; that is, -a prophecy which had a burthen of calamity in it, able to break the backs of the f1rongeft Nations. So faith Fclihu according to this tranflation ; My bur- thenPall not be heavie upon thee. Others render it thus, My Eloquence(hall not be heavie upon Eloquentiamea thee ; that's farre from the text ; yetthere is a truth in the thing; nonet* tibi As ifEats had Paid, Though I am about to fpeake, and have gravi?. Vulg;, much to fpeake, yet I would not fpeak fuch words, nor fo many (I hope) as fhall be burthenfome to thee. I wouldnot burthen thee with Eloquence ; that is, either with affe led Eloquence, or the over-flowìngs of Eloquence. Multiplicity ofexpreilìon is very burthenfome ; nor is any thing in fpeech more grievous to a wife man, thenan unneceffary heape of words. They who have a: fluency of fpeech , are dually more pleafed to heare them- felves fpeak, then others are to heare them. Elise ( according to this reading ) fpake difcreetly, and to the purpofe, while he thus engageth to lob ; Iwill not burthen thee with my Eloquence. But I paffe that alto: We tránilate fully and clearly to the text '; My hand (hall not ,hora3 beheavie upon thee. The hand is taken twowayes ; properiy,and vota mea. i. e. improperly ; it is not to be taken properly here ; we cannot fuf mantaplaga,út pea Elihu of any fuch rude behaviour, that he would lay a vio- alepb j t adds lent hand on fob; Improperly the hand fignifies anyaei ofa man ttrtúmfrveHery towards man ; fo amans wordsmay be his hand ; A'mans hand Druta um... may be heavie on him, whom he never touched or came neere, yea, ,a mans hand heavie uppn him whom he never law. Our