Chap. 33. In Expofation upon the Bookof j'o B. Verf. S. 195 Vert. 8. Surely thou haft fpoken in my hearing, and I have heard the voyce of thy words, laying. There is nothing difficult in this verle. That which we ren- der, Thouhaft fpoken inmy hearing, is in the text ; 7 hou haft f f'o= iten in mine Bare ; that is, Ihave not gatheredup what Ibring a- gainft thee upon uncertaine reports, But have been an eare-wctrzeffe ofthem. I have been one of thine hearers, Ihave flood by theeat- s entively, while thou haft been complaining fobitterly, Surely thou haft fpoken-in mine care, 4nd Ihave heard the voyceofthy words, laying, Thus and thus, as it followeth in thenext words. As if Elihu had fayd ; O job , while I confider thy prefent fuf'ering condition, I deny not that thyofittion is great, and thy creffe heavie ;I deny not that thy a f iliions are many, and of long continuance; Ideny not that in the debate held with thy friends , thou haft fpoken many things well, and haft infs`Ied upon very profitable and remarkable truths: neverthelefJ'e, I cannot dffemblemy diflike ofTome things thou haftfpoken, andmuff tell thee plainly wherein either through pafon , or . want of information , thon haft been much miftaken, Andyet thoufbaltfee that Iwill not impofe my fenfe upon thy words, norftrain nor torture them by undue andodious inferences to thy difadvantage; But (hall recollect andfairly reprefent fome paffages whichhave fallen from thee, and Jhew thee the error of them. I know thoucauft not deny that thouhaft fayd the things which I am offendedwith ; and Ibelieve when thou haft heardme a while, and confideredbetter of them, thou wilt not undertakle to defend them. Surely thou haft (pokers in myhearing, and I have heard the voyce ofthy words, Paying, I amclean, &c. Firf}, In that Eldoncoming to charge Yob about what he had fpoken, profefferbhe had been a ferions hearer cif him , while he was fpeakin;. Obferve. what weobjeti againfi others, wefhouldhavegood evidenceand proofe of it our felnes. There are two infallib?e wirneffes,or they maybe fo;Firft,eye- witnefre , Inch as have feene that which they fay ; thewitnefs of C c 2 the