Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v10

Chap. 3 3. An Expoftion upon the Boob of Jos. Verf. 9. 197 his fecond Appearing, ( y: a 5. ) He (hall convince all that are ur;odly, of all their ungodly deeds , which they have ungodly cons-, mitted, and of'all their hard fpeeches, which ungodly fanners have fpoken againfi hire. He (hall fay to them , are not thefe your words ? can you deny them ? or have you any plea for them ? Have you not fpoken thefe things in my hearing ? And have I not heard the voyce of your words , fpeaking thus and thus re- proachfully of my wayes, ordinances, and fervents ? This is like wounding a man with his own weapon, 'tis like the aol of David in cutting off the head of CColiah with his owne fword. He that is condemned by his owne faying, dyeth by his own fword. David faith of fychophants and flanderers ( Pfeil: 5 5. z r .) Their words were fmoother then oyle, yet were they drawne fwords. Such draw thefe (words with an intent towound other mens reputation or good name, but they ofteneIt wound their owne ; And as their words who flander others, rebound uponthemfelves,mndturne to their owne difgrace, fo alfo doe theirs for.the moil part, who are much incommendingor poffibly only ( Whichwas Jobs cafe ) in vindicating themfelves. Surely thou haft fpoken in my hear- ing, &c. But what had elihu heard lob fpeake ? thegiext words are an anfwer, or declare the matter of his fpeech ; and in-them, as was faid before in opening the Context; Elihu firfl,chargeth himwith an over-zeale in jullifying himfelfe, Ihave heard the voyet of thy, words, faying; Verf. 9. Iam cleave without tranf refon, I are innocent, nei.. eher is there iniquity in me. This thou haft fayd, and this I charge upon thee as agreat ini- quity. For the clearing of thefe words, I (hail doe thefe foure things, becaufe upon this charge the whole ciifcourfe of Elihu throughout the Chapter depends. Firt+ , I (hall give the fence and explication of the words as here exprefied byElihu, end foure briefe notes from them. Secondly , I (hall thewwhat matter of accufation, or of fault there is in thefe words ofJob, as brought by Elihu in charge a- gainfl him, or how finfull a thing it is for any man to fay he is without fin. Thirdly , I (hall enquire what ground Job had given Elikp to charge himwith faying thefe things. Fourth-