Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v10

Chap. 3 3. An Expofition upon the. Book. of J o B. Verf.'9. 199 - I ano freefrom defeltion, though I havemany weakneffes , yet I am freefrom rebellion and obflinacy. I frill retaine an entire love to God, and am ready to fubmtt to his will , though I often find my heart, through corruption, riling up again1 my duty ; I am tur- ned.afide through thefrrength of temptations, but I turne not afide through the bent of my affeltious. This doubtlefie or fomewhzt like this was lob's fence when ever he fayd, I am cleane without' tranfgrefon. Hence note. Fira , 7ranfgrefon is a pollution, or, Sin is a defilement. If once men fiep over or betides the lineand rule of holineffe the Law of Ged (which to doe is tranfgreflion) they become un- holy. lob fuppofed himfelfe uncleane, if guilty of tranfgreffion. Sin is an uncleane thing , and it maketh man uncleane. This the Church confeffed (Ifar 64.6.) We allare as an unclean thing, or perfon; As if they had faid,Time was,wh,n there was a choice people among us, who kept themfelves pure from common de- filements ; But now the contagion and corruption is fo epidemi- call and univerfal, that the whole body of our people lookes like a lump of filthineffe and uncleanneffe. We areover- fpread with a loathfome Leprofie from head toboote, from top to toe. Ho- lineffe keeps us faire, and righteoufneffe Tweet. Secondly, Note.: fnleffe perfon is a cleaneperfon. When we arrive at perfe& freedome from fin, we (hall be cleane indeed, perfe&lycleane. And according to the degree or proportion of our freedome from in in this world,is our clean- neffe in this uncleane world. Secondly , Thou haft Paid , I am innocent ; fowe read ; There are two fignifications givenby the learned, whichare of very ufe- full confideration for the clearing up of this text. Firft, the He- CS a y9ar brewword which we tranflate innocent, is derived from aroote 7egere pro: which fignifieth to hide, to cover, or prote& ; And that two roger° onde wayes ; Firfl, to proteEk aelively, or todefend others ; Secondly, quo etuit It notes prote&ion paffively , or to be prole&ed by another. toff s ét tutæ a Some conceive that Elihu here intended it of fob in an a&ive vent() A4 et:: fignification, whereas we fay, I am innocent; they fay, . Iprotel, .. and