Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v10

200 Chap. 3 3. An Expofation upon the Book of J o B. Verf.9. and fo referre to him, as a Magiflrate I have proteóted the op- preffed, I have prote&ed thofe whom the Ions of violence have profecuted. Indeed Job fpeaks hispra&ice much in that (Chap: 29. a z.) Idelivered the Poore that cryed, and the fatherlefr, and him that had none to helpe him ; Thebleffing ofhim that was ready is peri fh cameupon rre, and I canfed the widdows heart to fing for joy. Job hadbeen a great Proteltor of the poore ; And by this word the Hebrews expretfe an haven or harbour for Ships ; Be- caúfe harbours or havens are places of protection to Ships; Biro, they are places of;prote&ion to Ships from winds and forms, they are fife places from rocks, thelfs and (ands ; a Ship in harbour is under protec`iion from the dangers of the Sea. Secondly, AShip in harbour is under protection from enemies and Pirats ; while thee is abroad at Sea, if enemies come thee mull !lift for her felfe, thee mull ruin or fight, but in the har- bour the is under the protection of theState or Country where fhearriveth. Thus all Magifratesare or fhould be, a juft Ma- g(rate is a good harbour for ail that are in danger ofthewinds and formes, of the rocks and rage of wicked men. Good Go- vernours are an harbour, and opprefors like forms and rocks. That'sone fenceof theword in the a&ive fignification. And ta-. king it in this fence fob affects highly for his owne honour, while he faith, I have been a proteólour of the oppreffed, I have been a harbour or a haven tothe weather-beaten poore. Secondly, Others take this prote&ionpafftvely, I have been proteEhed. fob was once prote&ed from all outward evill, fromthe invafion of devills and evill men. God made fuch an hedge a- bouthim, that Satancould not touch him. But the fence given of thisproteóion here intended is fpirituall, Ihavebeenyrotelled from the evill of theworld, orfrom the evil world, I havebeen kept from that pollution and corruption, which ( as the Apofle Peter fpeaks) àt in theworld through luft. And that is ableifedt yea the bell part of a Saints protection, he is kept through the power of God through faith unto falvation ; He is not given up to the de- filements and apoflacy of times or places, the Lord preferves his fpirit and his wayespure and cleane. Our tranflation, I am inno- cent, compared with this, Ihave been kept or protelled from fin. Theone is avery good expofition and illufration of the other; For innocency is our fafety, and integrity ourheft keeper. Innocency f'