Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v10

ao8 Chap. 3 3 An Expofition upon the Book of j o B. Verf.9, yet his words did beare fuch a conftrudtion. And the Lord fur- fer'd Elihu to urge them uponhim ro the urrnoft. Yet, nocwithftanding all that hath been fayd, I doe conceive, that Elihaa had not the leali irnagination,that the meaning ofjob in thofe afferrions concerning hin-meife, was, that he had nor finned at all, or that there was no fin inhim; But taking his words in the bell and fairefi conitruelion they could beare, he yet faw taufe to check and reprove him, for raying fo much, in that con- dition,about his innocency ; whereas he lhould have beenchiefly taken up in glorifying God, and humbling him( lfe under his mighty hand. So much for the anfwer CO the fourth query, what rearmElliott had lo charge fob thus? It bath been (hewed what maybe fayd in favour of fob ; Andallo, that Elihu might without breach of charity charge him with there fayitags. To Phut up this verfe, take only two briefe notes from the whole, ir(t., The besI of menhave theirfailings, and are apt to over® report themfelves. Our moil deliberate anions and fpeeches have fome tinEture of the fle(h, how much more thofe which patfe us in apalflon. Though Job fpake what was true , yet he fpake more then was meete. And they that heard himmight take ju(t occafion of of- fence, not knowing his fpirit and the (train of his heart in (peak- ing fo. The Apofile fames faith ( fames 3. 2.) If any man of- fendnot in word, the fame is a perf eE"E man, and able alfa ro bridle the whole body. He hath a mighty command over his fpirit, that can command his tongue ; efpecially when he is provoked. Ir is a reali part of perfe&ion, not tooffend inword. This good man fpake many things well , yet all wasnot well fpoken. Againe , In that fob fpake thus , under the preffure of of fliólion. Obferve. In times ofafflil'tion it is better to be march in bewailingof f, then in making reportswherein wehave notfinned. There will no hurt come of that ; but while we are reporting our innocency, and good deeds, though what we (peak be true, yet 'tis fubje& to conflruE}ion, and layeth us open to reproofe. Lafily, We may learne from the dealing of Elites with fob, Thar