Chap. 3 3. An Expofition upon the Bookof J o B. Verf. ro. 209 That in all difputations, and -matters of controverfie with others, we should take heed, that we fallen no uncharitable interpreta- don upon the words of our adverfary, nor adde any thing of our ovine to them, nor met them betides their grammaticall and genuine contlra&ion ; yet even thole fpeecheswhich are true in fome refpe6, if they exceed the bounds a,f modeily, may freely be reprehended. For we ought not only to doe that which is good, an < .peake that which is true for the matter, but weought todoe and fpeake ina good or becoming manner. Thus (arre of the firti fault which Elihu found and reproved in fob, his over- conf:dence in faying hewas not faulty, or in juflifying himfelfe. In the two next verfes, he blames him with refleóling over- boldly and unduely upon the dealings of God ; The particulars whereof were expretled before in opening the whole Context, and come now tobe further opened. Au,erit adver- fumme etinve- Verf. io. Behold, he findeth eccaf:ons againft me, and count- nit confraflio- eth me for his enemy. nes,i.e.utcon- fringat et irrita Thefe words containe the f'ril. part of the fecond charge, fac:at omnia For the clearing of which I (hall t tit ex; the words,& then f suet cona- by way ofobfervation, thewwhat matterof charge or evil! there rne,ut nihil af- is in them. fequar man, qua querro et Behold , he findeth occafons againFf me. i>flnuo.Merc: I have heretofore (hewed the emphafis of that word, Behold ; Eree dveraurn p > > óner adverfun: And therefore, I pas e it here ; Behold, me invenit. He (that is God ) findeth occa.ons a ain t me or, ( firi&l Bez: $ f a Y ron- from the Hebrew) heMeth breaches. fra£liónes, con- tritinneset qua- . The verbe is tranflated Breake. (Pfal: 141. 5. ) It imports fl abolitiones. fuch a breaking as is alto a bringing to nought ( Pfeil: 3 3 , a o.) Punt qui red- °Tis likewifeapplyed to the breaking of the heart by difcourage- dum occaf,_ ments ( Numb: 3 z. 'i.) And it is Cgnificantly enough tranfláted 1 j ñ 11 et here, Hefindeth breachesagain'ft me ; that is,fomething or other ri tranfpofrts,, to make a breach uponme, fanrething tocomplaine of again(' me. aUj querelas. The word is rendred in thefe three fences; Firfl, An occafion ; Radix 811 Secondly, A Breach ; Thirdly ( as the Septuagint) a complaint in,e tpei,e, or accufatien. We may joyne all three together ; for a complaint cenfregif sri- E e or ism fecit. Mete: