210 Chap. 33. An Expofition upon the Book, of j o B. Verf.io Nëµ,G A oraccuíation is commonly an occafton of breaches among men ; tµß s Ps de-be that loves breacheswill feeke, and í'eldome miffeth occafons cuationest au- of complaint. We fay of a man that is of a troublefome fpirit, :emi.itm and given to contention (which is alto Mr Broughton tranílation ).. me invenit. Sept: Behold, he picketh a quarrell againf$ rrre; though I give him no juft 4ui querelas- matter of offence , yet he either findeth or maketh one. This amar, qu-erit moll of the Hebrew writers carry it ; he findeth occafions to ai- m a,/ones undo ter his former courfe withme, to cali me off,ro lay his hand up- sold: exc,rar. on me even to ruine andbreakme topieces. S . , p Deus (ludic!? Hence obferve. polka per To feeke occafons againfb another is hard. and uncharitable . me perfequen. ¿j, dealing. jofephs brethren werevery fufpitiousof this ( Gen: 43. r 8. )- The men were afraid beaau(e they were brought to fofephs houfe,.. and they faid, becaufe of the money that was found to our lacks mouth the firfí time, are we brought in that he may feek,sccafion againfi us ; As if they had faid, we well perceive hewouldglad- ly have forre matter to accufe us, and fo to detaine us upon that occafion. Thus faid the King of Ifrael (a Kings 5. 7.) when 1,aman came to him with a meffage from his Prince to delire him that he would Neale him of hisLeprofie ; The King of If- rael began prefently toHartle, and thought it was nothing but a meere trick and a device to bring onfome further defigne,what ?. faid he, AmI god`tokil1 and snake alive, that this man is come to me, wherefore confider Iprayyou, andfee how be feeketh a Vuar- rell againfi me. Theymay be judged to watch for a difcourtefie who delire courtefies of us beyond our power. This made the King of Ifrael jealous, that the King of Syria being confident offuture fuccefle,byhis former fuccefles againfl Ifrael,was by this device only feeking an occafion to renew the warre. We have an emiment Scripture to this purpofe ( Dan: 6;.4, 5.) Daniel being advanced high at Court, it drew agreat deale of envie up- on him among the Princes andPrefidents ; and therefore they re-- folved to try their utmofl- topull him down; And hereupon (faith the text ) theyfought occafions aging Daniel concerning theking dome that is, they enquired narrowlyintohis proceedings as to the_mannagement of that great power and trufi< which the King . had committed to him inquill things, but they could find no oc- cafon