Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v10

Chap. 33. An Expofition upon the Bookof J o B. Verf. io. 211 ca/ion,norfault,forafmuch yes he wasfaithfall. They could not pick a hole in his coate(as we fay) neither was there any error or fault found in him. When 'this would not doe, thenthey wouldneeds goe another way to worke (envie is reftlefhe) and becaufe they were difappointed in their firfl attempt about civills, they pro- ceeded to matters ofreligion ; Thenfatd thofe men we (hall not finde occis ionagainfl this ,Daniel, except wefinde it in regard ofthe Law of hisGod. And we fee in the followingparts of the Chap- ter, what occafion they found againtl him. This is hard deal- ing indeed , and it is quite contrary to the Law of Love in all the a6hngs of it. The Apoftle affures us ( Cor: 1.3.7.) Love beareth all things, Love hath flrong Moulders to beare wrongs and injuries, and Love believeth all things; not that a believer is a vainecredulous perfon,giving out his faith heknows not how, or to he knowsnot what;but he believeth all things to the utmofl line of truthand reality,as alfo of appearance and probability.; he that loves is very willing to believe that things are meant as they are fpoken, and that they are intended astheyare done. Thus he that loves much, believes all things, and further , charity hopeth all things ; it hopes the bell, ` and puts the faireft interpretation that maybe upon thofe things and doings which carry in theni at leafl fotne colour of fufpition ; this is the Genius of Cha- rity, theChara&er ofLove. It beareth all things , it believeth all things, it hopeth all things. All which fland in direct} oppofitionto the feeking of occafions againft our neighbour. And I (hall briefly fhew how much fuch practices militate againft and con- tradidl the royall Law of love, by feven flops. Firfl , 'Tis againft theLaw of love, tobe ready to take an oc- cafion when iris given ; we fhould be very flow and backward, in cafe ofoffence, to embrace or admit what is offered : though indeed, it is with the heart ofman, Imeane with the flefh in his heart in this poynt ofthe Law, as it is with the flefh ( that is, fin- full corruption) in the heart, as to the whole Law of God; Of which the Apoftle faith ( Rom: ) Sin talking occafionby the Commandement, wrought in me all manner of concupifcence. And againe (v: r 1. ) Sin taking occafion by thecommandement , decei- ved me, and by itflew me : Sin took occafion by the Law ; The Law gave fin no occafion toworkconcupifcence tnPaut.TheLaw is farre enough from being the cauteof fin, but it is (by accident E e z not