Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v10

214 Chap. 3 3. An Expoftion upon the Book. of J o B. Verf, z o men, as baking is taken in the other notion , for finning. The wicked are as, if not more, ready to rejoyce at falls, or halts, by finning, as at falls or halts by fuffering. In both there cafes (as `David found in this 3 5 th Pfalme,v. 15. ) the very abjects will teare the befi of men (as they didDavid) and not ceafe. But what doe they teare ? their flesh if they can ; but to be fure ( and fo 'cis meant there) their good names and reputation by flanders and accufations. O how contrary is this praóiice and that joy to the fpirit of the Cape!! The Apofile tells us, the Grace of charity utterly abhorres it (i Cor: r 3. 6.) Charity re- joyceth not an iniquity. It neither rejoyceth in doing iniquity it felfe, nor to charge others with iniquity. Seventhly, ( which is the highefi flep) Some rather then faile will forme and frame occafions againfi others ; theywill forge or fancy them in their own brain, and then accufe their bre- thren, as if they had been aó ing, what themfelves have been imagining. Such the Apofile Peter fpeaks of ( Pet: 3.16. ) where admonifhingSaints tomuch firidineffe and exad1-ne% in walking, he gives this account, whythey fhould doe fo, That whereas theyjpe4evill ofyou as evildoer., they may be afhamed thatfalfely accufeyourgood converfation inChrifl. Theywho have not fo much as a fhadowof truth, will make fomething out of a lie ; they will falfely accufe, and firongly impeach, knowing that if theydoe fo, force of the dirt (at leali) will diffigure the fa- ces, and flick upon the skirts ofthofe who are impeached. Thus I have given leven degrees of this wickednefs, every one of which plainly difcover, and all pur together, mightily aggravate the finfullnefs of this fin, the feeking of occafions againfi any manwhofoever, muchmore againfi anygood man. And there- fore ( which was the fecondpoynt propofed for the clearing of this truth) you fee howgreat a matter of charge was brought by Elihu agatnfi rob, when he faith, Job bathfayd,He,(that is,God) feekethocrafionsagainft me. Hence note, Secondly. T'o charge the Lord witha willingnefe to break! with us, either upon no occafion, or tofeeke an occafon that hemay, is ex- ceeding tinfoil,and di fhonourable to bù Majefty, neere to Blafphetuye How