Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v10

Chap. 3 3. An Expofztion upon the Book, of j o B. Verf. io. zr 5 How fïnfull is it , that we who give the Lord fo many occafi- ons againfi us , that he needs not Leek any, (hould yet fay he feeketh occafions againfi us?The people of Ifrael (as it appeares) intimated, at leafs, that God had broken with them, or fought occafion to doe it ( this word is ufed in that text,Numb: 14.34 ) while the Lord to (hew how ill he refenfed filch thoughts and jealcufies of him, cells them , ..e/ccordisg to the number of the dayes in whichye fearched the Land, evenforty dayes ( each day for ayeare ) (hall ye beareyour iniquities, even forty yeares, and ye fhall knowmybreach ofpromife, or (as read in the margin) my Altering of mypurpofe. As ifhe had faid, Ye (hall knowwhether Co no f cetì I have fought occafion againfi you, whether I have fruflrated co iontrR your hopes andendeavours, thefe forty yeares in the wildernefs swam; fi did or no ; ye (hall knowwhether I have done any thing to breake p r tatind ir- and entangle you, or whether all this hath not proceeded from retauonem; nose your owne frowardnefs and unbeliefe. The Lord who fearched fedabadjeí2iva their hearts, and law the utmofi fcope of their complaints, found irritm,q.d. vi- this evil! thought lying at thebottome of all, that he furely had debiti ut ego put them uponall thofe difficulties , or brought them into thofe amnia altsve firaites onpurpofe tobreake with them. And therefore, he faith,1a per has re all knowmy breath ofpromife Ye (hail fee one day, or at quadraginra (h 1C. y f p . Y annos irrita fa- lafl, whether I have kept covenant, and flood to my engagement dam, I cow- or you , whether I have fought an occafion againfi you , or you tur ac inffirurs have given me occafion to deale with youas I have done. So that ampediam. when theLord fayd, Te'hall know mybreachofpromife;his mean- Merc.. ingwas, ye (hall know that I have kept my promife to you ex- a&ly, or to a tittle, and that ye only have been the promife breakers. 'Tis infinitely below the natureof God, to feeke occa- fions againfi the creature ; And 'tis flrange that the Jewes had any the remotefi fufpition of him as doing fo , after they had heard of thofe glorious flies and titles in which he pro- claimed his name (Exod: 34.6.) The Lord, the Lord god, gracious andmercifull,flow to anger, abundant ingoodnef e and is truth, pardoning iniquity, tranfgrefon, and fin. What can be fpeld out of this name that fhould yeild the leafs fhaddowof a jeal©ufie , that the Lord would feeke occafions againfi them. A good Prince delires to finde many good lubjeéls who deferve tobe rewarded, but it troubles him to finde any who deferve to be punifhed ;'or whom he is neceflìtated topunifla ; Nowwhat is the