216 Chap. 33. An Expofition upon the Book, of J o B. Verf.io. the goodneffe of the - moti'benigne and gracious Princes in the world, to the gracioufnefle: and benignity of God! Againe, his precious promifes evidence the unworthineffe of fuch a furmife ; all which are full of mercy, and goodneffe, and patience, and pardon, and cenderneffe to poore:finners : fo (acre is the Lord from feeking occafions to charge any one with what is not, that he feekes all the wayes and occafions he can to doe good, and to extend companion to thofe who have done amide. He even la- bours to deliverpoore foules from their dangers, and from. Their fins. How farre is he then from defiring to find them tripping and finning, or from urging fin hardly harfhly or cauflefly upon them ? yea all the experiences of Saints bring in wicnefs againfl thisblafphemaus apprehention. They will tell us from what they have found and felt, that when they have given the Lord occa- fion codefiroy them, when they have put a iword into his hand to finite them, when by their unbeliefe, and pride, and neglect of knowne duties, they have layd themfelves open to ruine and deflra6lion, even then he hath held his-hand and fpared them. Is it notthen agreat , a groffe fin, to charge the Lord, that he feekes occafions againft us ? Yea indeed (as was touched be- fore) the Lord needs not feek occafion againfi any man, for as much as the bellof men give him too much occafion , and too often. He needs not Rand to fpy advantages againft us, we lay our (elves too open and naked tohim continually. As in Fence- ing, when two that are very expert at that art are engaged, there is watching for an occafion or advantage toget the mafiery; but ifan expert Maier of Defence be to deale with an ignorant fellow that knows not his poftures, nor how to ufe his weapon, he needs not feeke occafion, he may have him here and there and every where. It is fowith thebell of Saints, when theyhave todot with God; He needs not watch for an occafion where to hit, or finite them, for they through their ignorance and foIly,. lay their nakedbreads open to hisftroakesevery day. Were he cce ÍflV fit not infinite in mercy to cover -our fins, and topardon our tranf- en me v sat: we mull needs' erith under his julhce ,, ? i"` owes. Soult: b > P fail 1 ,311 vo. Againe, Theword is rendred, Infirmities, fa ltngs, or lefjer cat ea viepij fins; that's another tranfiation of the text, and'tis aufefull one; faciunt greeter For as the fermer fuppofeth the Lord taking occafion,where none reflum, fedci- at all was given ; fo this fuppofeth him to take cheAeal% °cea m. tra animum a As deo aver um, e.. f`n...