Chap. 33- 4n Expofition upon the Bookef J o a, Verf. io. 217 ,As if Elihiu füppofed Yob Paying, Beitold,hePeeks outmy little faults, k, fivit de- myvacillatitns, my trappings, myflumblings , in a word, my infir- us Parva Yu =ties. We may take them twowayes ; Fi;(t, for his youthfull camp peórapeend fins, the flips of.his youth. Secondly, for his dayl.yfins, common- propter quit, ay called faylings. As if job had fay¿ , Though I can charge my velut fi nefan- felfe,and freely doe withmany fins and wealnefJes, yet I am not a da critninacan man chargeable with any crimes nor wickednefJes, mine areno blacki'ifi ta,atroot czvse n fedéniattetnaztirai é. ear blood y ns no trim foo , skarlet fins l have not finned p re- fumptuoufly, or with a high hand,l-have notgiven (copetomy lulls, Bold: nor indulged my corruptions. I havenot leafed my felfe with ¿if- pleafing God; nor hath thebent of myPule been to-breake his corn- asrandements, as bonds, yonkes, or,fhakles pat upon me by an enemy ; 'Ihave not rejeiled his dominion or rule over me in any wilful! de- fell-ion or departure from his word. Tet notwithflanding God finder out my infirmities and faylings , and urged) them fore), againfi me, yea he ¿cales withme as if Iwere hai :enemy, even for tho fe fins which I have committed through inadvertencyor metrehumane frailty: Some Interpreters inuit moil upon this figntficarion of the word, as if the matter which Elihu charged yob wirhywere that he fhould fay Godcarried it towards him as an enemy for finali faults or leller fins. Nor doe I fee anything which hinders the ioyning of this and the former reading together; for Cutely he feekes occauons to punifli and vex ano-her , who-inuíts upon his Idler sins and imperfe6fions, as if theywere great and Brie- vous crimes. Fromthis later or fcond fence of the word, Ob- ferve, Firít, in General. 7ó take. firira ,notice ofthefaylings, infirmities, or lejfer fins of others, u a poynt ofvery great feverity. -some are pleated with nothing more then to hhare and dill. .courfe of other wens faylings.: 'Tis agreat fault CO be picking sip the lifer faults of others ; yet how many are there, who if they can bur fee, as -it were, any bare place, theywill be charg- ing at ir ; if they fee but the leaft fcratch or fore, they as the fly, love to be feeding upon ir, or rakingin it. 'Tis our holinelle to take notice of the leaft finin our fe ves, and the more holy any man is, the more quick-lighted and quick-fented -he is in takingnotice of his leffer tins ( when the leaft negle t of duty and of the leaf+negligence in performance of duty, any ill frame Ff of