Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v10

Cháp: 33. ;An E.xpoftion upon the Book. of j o B. Verf.ìo. of heart, any vaine thought, any,idle word , any undue carriage, any uncomelinel=e; is taken nonce of and corrected, this flewes an excellen_ frame of f :iris, and a g eat meature of Grace) but it is not good to do fo by o.hers, yea it is an argument we are a c- ymuch waningand fayling in holinelle our felves, when we are > apt to rake notice of. and aggravare every want and fayling in our brethren. Yea, when=as drift faith ( Math: 7. 3.) we fee a m re in err brothers eye; we feldomefee the beame in our owne. And it is an argument men have beanies. in their owne eÿer, when they are fo quick- lighted in looking after motes in their brothers eye. I grant, it is a duty to be watchful! over one ano- ther as brethren, and to take notice, for right ends, of the leali faylings and faults`of any. This is a duty if we doe it with apur- pofe topray for them, that-they may walke more circuml ectly or that we may lovingly reprove, admonish, and counfell them ; as allo that we may confider our Selves andour owne wayes , left we fall as,they have done. Thus to take notice of the leali fay- lings of others, is a great Gofpel duty. But to take notice of mens faults, to cenfureór defame their perlons , to infult.over them, or accule them , this is the fpirit of a Chain, who mocked at his fathers nakednefs. And thus tobe critticall about the faults of others, arguesthat we are-carelefs of our owne. Secondly , As to the particular cafe in the text, for which Job . is tax'd by Elihu, that he laid thus of God. Obferve. Tofay or think- or the Lord that he takes aflribb and revere notice of our infirmities to recken with .so riggedly for them is veryfnfull. . Such thoughts are a great derogation from the goodneffe and mercy ofGod. The Lord loth not willingly fee the faults ofhis people; Though he feeth them , yet he Both not willingly fee them ; he isglad when it is with his people,as it Was at that time with Ifrael+( Numb: 23. 21.) Hebath not beheld iniquity infa- cob, neither bath hefeene perverfnefs in Ifrael. But was there no En to be "feene in acob ?Was Zfrjael'altogether innocent at that time ? Surely they, even they, and even then were a linfull peo- ple, and had their faults,neitherfew nor fmall, but becaufe there w,s no iniquity7 no perverfnefs nor prevarication againli God found