Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v10

Chap. 33. An Expofition upon the Baol¿,of J o 13. Verf. to._ 2I9 found among them at that thee, therefore he over- looked all their ordinary faylings and'tranfgreifions. As the Lord is fo holy and offuch pure eyes that he cannot behold any fin, the leap iniquity to approve ofit ( Halal.; t . t 3. ) fa the Lord is fo gra- .cious and fo full of compalfiion, that he cloth_ not feve'rely take no- tice of, nor look upon the leffer fins óf his people. David ex- alts the name and glory: of God at large for this (Pfal: 503. á, q, to.) The Lord ismerciful! andgracious, flow to anger, plente- ous in mercy, he will not alwayes chide. 'They are alwayeschide- ing, that are alwayes fpying faults in children, fervants or relatt- ons,theywho take notice of every little fault, íhall Linde chiding- worke enough in a family. But the Lord will -not alwayes chide ; neither will he keepe his anger for ever ; He bath not dealt with as after ourfns, nor rewarded sts according to our iniquities Like as a father pittieth his children, fo the Lord pittaeth them that feare him. A father loth not enquire into, much lefle punifh every siegleet of his child. Iwill fpare -them (faith the Lord ) (Mat 3.. 57. ) as afather fj?areth a fon that ferveth him. If a father feeth or is well perfwaded that his fon hath aheart to ferve him, he will not curioufly fpy out the faults of his fervice, but faith to his child, It is well done, or at leaf+, I take that well which thou haft done. Yea the Lord is fo farre from a flri t inquiry after fuck fjolts, that he palleth by great rranfg effions (Mica 7. iR.) who is a God l'e unto thee, that pardonerh iniquity, and paff èth h the teas fgrefon ofthe rein-ant of his people ; he retaineth not his anger for ever, becaufe he delghteth in mercy. Though Afa (t Kings, t 5.14. ) was not through in the reformation ; the high places were not removed , yet the Lord did notcharge this up- on him, forprefently it followethin the facred Story ; 2 ,everthe- leffe, the'heart of Afa was perfeti vith god all his dayes. Yea, though Afa did fall into feverall fins afterwards, imprifoning one of the Prophets, and orprefling force of the people, and in -his ficknefs Peeking to the Phyfitians, and not to the Lord, yet the Lord did not charge thefe ad§s upon him ; He was fo fare from a flrici inquiryafter his leffer fins, that he took nonotice of thole grearer fins, but faith, His heart was perfeEl all his dayes. So in the cafe of Tavid, the Lordwould not fee many of his fins, he would not blot David, nor burden his owned memory with. them , but paffed an Aft of Oblivion upon them for ever. F f 2 Sarah