Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v10

-T 4; Chap. 32, ;An Expofition upon the 13eo{L of. J. o B. Verf. Youmay eafier reduce aman that is indeedignoranc, then him= that thinks himfelfe very wife, or knowing, but-is not. This was the apprehenfion friends concerning him, Hewas a man.: (: thought theyand fa they faid ) righteousrn his owne_eyes. There are three forts of righteous perfons. Pita, fuch as are righteous inthe eyes of God, and failleGodly are under a two -, . fold notion; Fitft, as being pardoned for or juf}iified from their w .ighteouinel3e, through faith inChrifl'; Blefled are they who are thus accounted righteous inthe eyes ofGod. Secondly, they are righteous , as avoyding unrighteous , and doing righteous things. There is a feed-a principle of, righteoufneife to perfons, jutlitied and regenerated, which dayly puts it felfe forth in righ, teous aaings ;, Ile,that doth'righteoufneffe is righteous (t Joh: 3. 7.) He is fo, both as to his liate,,and as to his a6tions, in the eyes of God and good men. Secondly,.Many are righteous in the eyes of men., they have faire appearancesand out,fides ; you can read nothing amine irr their converfation, yet they are unrighteous, yea altogether un- righteous in the eyes of God, yeaand pofïìbly in their owne too ; They cannot but fee their own wickedneffe, though they can con- ceale it from thefight of. others Hypocrites are likepainted e- pulchers, faire without (ás Chrifi fpake of the Pharifees) -but within full ofrottennef1e. They femme that to men, which God feeth they are not;They.can.fhew their heft fide toandhide their. worn frommen, but they cannot play this gamewithGod ; he feeth their belt is bad,becaufe it is but the covering, not the ha- ting, not the mortifying of that which is bad. Thirdly , There is another fort whoare righteous in their own eyes ; fuchSolomon defcribes ( Prov, 3o. i a.) There is a gene- ration that.arepure in their ozone eyes, andyet is. not wafhed.from their filthineffe. Thefe have agreat opinionof themfelves; They thinkall is rightand wellwith.them, when indeed they are fil- thy and unclean, their hearts being yet unchanged,though their 'wayes are fmoothed ; and though they may have left off to doe many fihhy things, yet they are not washed from their filthineffe. The text inhand puts Tob'into this third fort of righteous men. But was it thus with him ? I anfwer ; Firll, yob was a man righ- teous in the eyes of God, in both the notions mentioned ; he was righteous as ;unified and righteous as farctified: Secondly, fob <: