Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v10

22a. Chap. 3,3. AnExpo'tion upon the Boob of ) 'o B. Verf,ro Sarah ( Gen: 18. i z. ( fpake very unhandsomely when the.An del came to her and told her the fhould have a fon ; yet the Apoflle ( Pet: 3.6. ) referring to that ífory,"gives Sarah a ve- ry high tellimony or commendation for one good word that was mingled with, a great many ill 'or undue ones, yea andaeìions too; for fbelaughed; Notwithllanding.allwhich Peter fets her. as a patterne for all good Women profeifing. the Gofpel to imi- tate : He would have them be in frbjeeFion unto their owne hof, wands ; Sarah.obeyecl. Abraham calling him Lord, whcfe dacighters yeare (faith he) as long asye doe that which is well. That one word which the fpake well, is recorded, yea reported tog her praife,.andall that were ill are buried in filence, forgot- ten and covered. The Lord hath refpee-t to, a little pure gold,. though mingled with a great deale of drofs , and ownes a little. good Cone, though a great (kale of chaffe be in the fame floore . or heape. Surely then he will-not bring our infi.rinities and flips, CO account again(+us, while our hearts are upright with him. Thus you fee whit matter of charge there was in thefe. words, when job fayd, Godfonght occafion agarnfl hiss, when he had ven none, or that he had only given force finaller occaíon, and yet Goddealt with him ad.. an enemy. Butdid job ever fay,. That God..fought occafions againft. him,. or tookenotice of his leder fins fo feverely ? I anfwer ,. ThoughSane acquit job wholly of this chWye, and recriminate Elihiu with this accufation as a Hander , yet jo4 had fpoken words whichmight give occafion to charge him thus, ( as was ihewed alto concerning tho'e former fpeeches, I am . cleanfrom tranfgrefon, l ßím innocent, there is no.tmqurty rn me) though Pb had not fpoken thefe or fuch like wo-.ds, with that fcope and fpirit as Elihu might feeme to.alledge them yet,he hadgivenElrh'ucaufe enough to fay fo, while he fpake more of himielfe then came to his share, confideringthat he wasa finfull man,.and more then did become him -in his condition , being an aff1ieled man. Upon both whichaceounts, it.had better becom'd him to have been much in humbling himfelfe, rather then at all in juflifyine himfelfe.Now as jobhad fpoken words which might 6écundtim ve" beare out Elibuin his former charge, fo we finde ,feverall tipee- ritatem neutrii t x& dies or complaints concerning God, which may juflifie him in fenfuquem im this. Ass for inflame (Chap: 4. 16, z7) For. now thon num, gppnit inFlilxta. ores -W