Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v10

224 Chap, 33. An E.xpoftion upon the Boom, of J o B. Verf.3 2. -broken the enmity inour hearts towards himfelfe, there, is no- thing (hall ever be done by him towards us, which may fpeak us hisenemies, or him our enemy, though a 7o6 ingreat affliction may fay, Hecounteth meforhis enemy, And handlesme like one too ; as it followeth. Vere I a. Heputtethmyfeet in .theflockes, hemarketb all my - paths. We had thefe words expreffely ( Chap :: i 3. 27.) there they have been opened already, Thou puttefl my feet alfo in the flock'', and lookeft narrowly untóál1 my pathos. That which bath been Paid as to the General( fence and fcope of that text, may ferve for this; And therefore I referre the reader thither. I (hail only adde twoor three notes from the metaphor; Hepat Nosyfeet in theflock!, that is, he prefleth me with very dole and -fore afNicrtions. "Hence Obferve. 'Firfi , Tobe in of jlifion, is is be in apainfull condition ; there is little eafe in the flocks. No chaffning for the prefent feemethto 6e joyous but grievous .( He6r 12. I I.) To be under a croffe isbe under a burden. .Secondly , 1lic1ions,keepe usunder reflraint. He bath little liberty aswell as little eafe that is in the flocks : afîlidions hold us in, they are as a prifon to us. Afíjiaions are a rearaint two wayes ;Firfl, to-our corruptions; yea, through the grace of God, affiidions are more then reftraints tocorruption, they become the death ofcorruption , they are appoynted ( among other fer- vices ) for the-mortifying of corruption, that it may not live in us, much more -are they a reftraint to corruption, that it maynot get out, nor worke in us as before. Many times, when a good manhash the world at will, his corruptions thinke to have their will too ; and when he is at liberty,lufls would grow licentious : ThereforeCod feeth it neceffary toput his fervants in the flocks, that their lulls may be in the flocks too. Thus he told the Church (Hof.a:6.) Behold, l will hedge up thyway with thorns, andmakea wall that.fhe(hall netfindher paths. The thone-hedge was as a flocks to 1101 them that they fhouldnot walkdiforder- 1y,;nor act inordinately as theyhad done. This courfe God takes with