Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v10

226 Chap. 33. .An E.xpofation upon the Book, of J o s. Verf.i to He marketh 41 my paths. Which fame expound, as if when the Lord had let him out of the flocks, yet he was but like a prifoner with his keeper atkis. heels ; He marketh .illmypaths. Ihave. fpoken to this allo be- fore ; I (hall now onlyNote. There is no flopping out oftheeye or flght ofGod; He markes all our paths , not onlyour open paths, but our fe- cret paths ; not only what paths our feet walke in , but paths our hearts walke in. I-le markethwhat our thoughts are, what our !cope is, what our aymes and ends are. He marketh not only our day-paths , but our night-paths ; He watched) 41 our paths, Take this Caution from it ; As the Lordmark,! all our paths , fo it will be our wifdome to mark,our ozone paths'. Ifthe Lords eye be fo fIria over all our wayes, (hall we be careleffe of our wayes ? If he look upon our walkings, !hall not we look to our walkings ? There aremany arguments (from love, from returns of thankfulnefs for receivedbenefits ) which íhould provoke thepeople of God to heed and marke their own wages ; but furely this ought to be a very cogent argument, becaufe God marks them, Hemarketh allour paths.. Therefore as the Apoflle gives counfel and admonition( Eph: 5. r5'.) See that ye walke ctrcumfpeïtly, not as fooles but as wsfe. What our wifdome is, yea whether we have anywifdome, whether we are wife or fooles will be feene by our walkings. Some can.talke and difcourfe ve- ry wifely, whoyet walkevery foolilhly, andwhofe whole courfe is folly. So much for theopening of this chargebrought by Elihu a gainfl Job, his over- jullifying of himfelfe, and his refleòlingupon the goodneffeand love of God. Elihu proceeds yet further to deale with and refute him, as alto to anfwer for God. Behold, in this those art not juft, &c. This Icharge thee withand will prove it, thou haft fpoken finfullyand unbecommingly of God and of thy felfe in all this. :: O B9