Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v10

Chap. 3 3. An Expofition upon the Boo&of j o B. Verf. 12. 227 JOB. Chap. 33. Verf. 12, 13. Behold, in this thou art not :Eiji r I i'ill anfner thee, That God is greater then man. Why deft thouhive againi him? for he,givethnot account of any of his matters. 1' N thefe two verfes Elihu gives the firfi part of his anfvver, wherein wemay take notice of thefe five things ; Firfi, He tells Sob that he had erred and was mifiaken, Behold, in this thou art not juft. Secondly, He fheweth himwhereinhe had beenmi- fiaken, or what his erro was In this thouart notjuf , or, Behold chu, thouarenot juft in it. Thirdly, Elihu lays dówne the general' ground, upon which he intended to convince yob of his error and znrfiake, The greatnefeof Cod , I will anfiver thee that God is greater then man. Fourthly , from that ground he drawes out a check or reproofe, in the beginning of the t 3th verfe , why deft thou firivearainft him? Fifthly and lafily, He gives a reafon of that reproofe, which arifeth alfo out of the former ground, the unquefiionable Soveraignty of God ; For hegiveth not account of any ofhismatters.'' Verf. 12. Behold, in this, thouart not jug. Behold, he calls forferious attention, and diligent confìderati- on ; Behold This ; fo. the Hebrew rendred flrieìdy ; äve render, Behold, in this then art )lot ¡aft ; What is this ? what's the ante- cedent to this ? we may affìgne the antecedent in three things, or make it three-fold, according towhat Elihu hath layd downe before in way of charge ágainfi lob in the former Context ; Firfi, This,that thou14 toafted thy felfe fo much of thy innocency and integrity. Ve?f'.`#th. Thou haft fpokeir in my hearing, and I haveheard the voyceofthy words;faying,Ian$ cleane without tranf .grefon, &c: Behold,,in, this thou art potfull. 'Secondly ,'Inthin, That is, in' that thou: hall complained fo G g 2 much