2,1E Chap. 3 3. AnExpof:tión upon the Book of ;J tr s. Verf.1z. much ofthe feverityof Gods dealings and proceedings with thee, ( to. - I I..). Behold, hefndeth occafion againf me; and account- ' eth mefor his enemy ; Heputtethmyfeet in theflocks, he.marlteth- all mypaths ; Behold, in thisvhouart not juft, Hocnomineju- There is a third antecedent, which we may take up from fe-- flus von es,quod;verallpaffages,in the former part of the Booke , and that is, be- ¿euro in jus caufe thou haft fo,often and fo importunately defired to plead provocareaufus with God, and haft made fo many fuites for a hearingwith him, $r.. Mrrc:, as if thouhada fomewhat to fay , which might acquit thy felfe and fhew reafon , why God fhould not deale thus with thee; For though fob did not delire to plead with God ` as having any intent to accufe him of doing himwrong, yet he was therefore to be blamed, becaufe he defired to plead with him ;. feeing it be- comes man to fubmit to the judgement ofGod withoutmurmur- ing or compiaiñing. So then Elihu:had caufe to charge him with this; God indeed patted it by, asknowingit did not proceed (as in the wicked ) from malice, but from weaknefs and ignorance, as fob alto himfelfe humbly confefled at laa.Behold(thou haft too often called for Jnaice) in this thou artnot juft. Mr Broughton renders, Loe.here,thouart not in the right. Thefe words, in this, or here, may alto haveanegative reference towhat fobhad been charged with before by his friends. As if Elihu had fayd ;'I doe not charge thee withfilch crimes as thy friends have loaded thee with heretofore, I doe not burden theewithgroffe impie- ty, nor with hypocri fie,! doe not tell thee thou haft oppreffèd thepoore, or wronged thewiddow and the fätherleffe, I have nothing of this- fort to fay againJt thee,. But in this or here, Ihavefomewhat to lay,, wherein my judgement alfo is that thouart not juft,nor in the right ; for however thouart otherwife, or in other things upright and righte- ous, however juft thou haft been in thy tranfallions with men, and pure in thy worfhip.towardClod,yet in this Iam fore, and 1 dare fay it openlyand avowedly, thouart no wayesjust ifiable, muchJeffe_tuff in that thou haft cryed up thy- owne innocency andfpok n (omuch f the hard dealingsofGod with thee.; yea, leakbeen fobold as to de- fire aday ofhearing trenbefore-God himfelfe. Let this be the ue- Ilion or matter under debate ; whetheror no , fob fpeaking thins highly ofhimfelfe, and thus boldly of God, bath done right or not Elihu undertakes the negative, he engageth toprove that fob had not done well, ór, right, how innocent foever he was, in fpeaking> fo,