Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v10

230 Chap, 3 3. An Expofation upon the Book, of J o B. Verf. t a. when told that he is not jolt, then in being told that he is unjuft. The imputing of a crime to a man, is more and worfe, then the denying him a venue, or that he is vertuous. Hence note. YYe ought to temper our reproofes with much gentleneffe and meek zeffe. We fhould not fpeake cutting words,if other words will ferve the turne. Thus the Apofile directs us ( Gal: 6. r.) Brethren, ifa man be overtaken witha fault, ye which are #irituall, reflore facha one with thefpirit of meekneffe, conldering thy felfe, left thou alfo be tempted deale as gently with a fallen brother, as thou wouldefl with a man whole bones are diflocated or broken (fo much the metaphor there ufed imports) There is a time indeed when we muff- rebuke ( as the ApofUe gives direólion ( Tit: I. 13. ) fharply, or cuttingly ; we mull gee to the quicke,that they .may be found in thefaith : but there is a great regard tobe had to the flare and fpirits of tbofe with whomwe have to deale. As it is our duty to receive the word with meeknef e ( fames I. 21. fome receive the word proudly, riggidly, in the wool fence they can, yea they receive it rebeiIingly, now as we ought to receive the word with meekneffe) fo'tisgood to fpeake the word with meekneffè, much meekneffe and tenderneffe as the cafe will'beare. Secondly, confider this manner of fpeaking, Behold,in this thou art netjug, Elihu tellshim plainly of his faults,he reported them `before, andherehe applyed them home tohis perfon ; Behold, in this, thou remembereft thyovine words ; Thou canftnot but take notice what thou haft fpoken ; now I tell thee, in this thing thou art not jug ; Elihu doth not fpeak doubtingly nor fearefully, nor doth he tell fób what the thoughtsof others were upon the mat - ter, but he tellshim dire6ily, categorically,plainly from himfelfe, in this thouart not jug. Hence note. We are to hold out oar convitlions and reproofes withplainneffe, and to lay our finger upon the veryfore ; Behold, in this (or that) thou art not juft. We are to fpeake meekly, but not atrandome, not uncertain- ly,