Chap. 3 3. An Expofition upon the Book, of j o D. Verf. 12. &y, not flatteringly ( Pro: 29.25. ) A man that flattereth his neighbour, fpreadeth a netfor his feete ; he doth but intangle and infnare him, in flead either of counCelling or comforting him. Whena man is our,it is bet+ to tell him fo ; how elle shall he get iu again ? Flatteringwords are infnaring words ; Behold, in this thou art not right. One of the Ancients fpeaking to this poynr, Mjore fupptt_ tells us; It is morefinfnll toflatter thofe that doe evill, then- to doe cio dignus eff evill ourfelves. And, furely it argueth a more corrupt mind, or a qui male agen- worfer principle to dacvbe fanners with the untempered motter p qua male agit. of flattery, then tobe dawbed with the mire of anyparticular fin Chryfofi: or iniquity.A flatterer is a dawber and pillow-fower ; A flatterer 'oath not a true fight of fin himfelfe, and he doth what he can to keepe others from the fight of it. It is fafer to make (inners fmart then itch. David invited a wounding rather then fuch a skinning of his fore ( P fal: r 41. g. ) Let therighteonsfmiteme, it'hall bea kindnefs, (that is, I will not only take it kindly, but (hall find it a kindnefs ) and let him reprove me, anditfhall be an excellent oyle, which fall breake my head ; that is, it (hall be fo farre from hurt- ing that it (hall be ( through Grace) a healing to me. Noman- had ever anycaufe to repent, either the giving or receiving ofa wife and feafonable reproofe. Behold, in this thouart not jufl. But what is it, not to be jufl ? I anfwer, not to be juf+, is not todive every man his due ; yet Elihu intends it chiefly, ofwhat jobhad fpoken unduely toGod ; Behold, in this thouart netjufl. Hence note. They who doe notgiveGod his right are unjufI., as well as they whodoe not give men their right. Yea not to give God his right, is by fo much the greater inju- f+ice, then not togive manhis right, by how much God is greater then man; looke how touch God is higher andgreater then man, by fo much is their fin higher and greater, who give not God his right, thentheirs,.whogive not man his right. Many thinke they arevery jufl, very honef+ men, becaufe they give every 'man his due, they wrong, they defraudno man, not any neighbour, not a- ny brother with whom they deale : come and charge them if your can.'Tis very good, &more then Mott meta can truly fay,of them (elves,. 23t