Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v10

232 Chap, 33. An Expofition upon the Boob of J o s. Verf./ felves, whena man is able CO fay, he is juft to his neighbour; no man.canchallenge him ofinjufttce. But many fay this, who take no notice,how unjuft they are toGod ; theyare not at all fenfx- ble, howoften they have denied God his right, nor how often they have done God wrong ; they,take no notice of this. They have fecond-table juftice, but they have not firft-table Jullice.; this is it that El{huchargeth fob with. His friendscharged him with fecond-table injuftice, that he was an oppreffor, &c. but E- .- him with firfi-table injuftice , that he had done wrong to God. Therefore, remember, not to give God his due feare, his due love, -his due quit and fubmillion (thefe are his rághts,by the firft Commandement) is to be unjuft ; not to give God due worship according to his will,is tobe unjuft, becaufe in fo doingyou deny him his rightin the fecond Commandement not to fpeakeor thinke reverently of the name, of the word, wayes, and ordinances ofGod, is to-be unjuft to God , becaufe you deny him his right in the third Commandement. To breake the Sabboath, to ftealeGods time, and convert it toyour owne privateufe, toput-kin your owne purfes, as many doe, this is fa- criledge, this'is to-be unjuft to God , becaufe you give him not his right, nor that which is due to him-by the fourthCommande- ment ; fo notto fubmit to the rod of God, not to bequiet under the chaftizings of God , not to take all well at Gods hand what- foever he doth with us, or to us, is to be unjuft to God, becaufe wethen deny him the right of his foveraignty, and of that juft power which he bath over his creatures. 'Bébold, in this thou art not juft. E/ihu.proceeds to give an accounr,diftinaly, wherein this in- -jtìftice lay. wiíl anfwer thee, or ( as Mr Broughton ) Iwill tell thee, god isgreater then man. We renderwell, Iwill anfwer thee, &c. There is a four-fold way ofanfwering; Firft, by information to a Queftion propound- ed. Every Qeftionwould have an anfwer. Secondly, by foluti on of.anobjetion made ;; When any thing is objected against what is fayd orheld ; then tountie the knot,is ro anfwer. Third- Ay, there is ananffvering by confutation of a falfe opinion or te- net ;