Chap. 33. An Expofition upon the Bookof I o B. Verf. uz 13 3 net ; thus whole bookes that hold unfound or heterodox opini- ons, are to be anfwered ; Fourthly, there is ananfwer by way of reproofe, or reprehenfion of faults or minakes, either in fpeech or pra&ice. Elihu his anfwer was of this Ian fort. For heobfer- job had fpoken, and what hiscarriage and demeanour had been, gives him a reprehenfive anfwer , Behold, in this thou art not jun,, I will anfwer thee. And what was his anfwer ? even Re ondeb, c1- this, God isgreater thenman; or, I will anfwer thee, that God is bi m reprehem more then man ; The roote of the word fignifies to encreafe or dam, idq; bee, grow (treat ; but God is great, not by growth or encreafe, but inplane infólabi- hiseffence andbeing. He who is infinite in greatnefs, canhave no it rations Oa addition tohis greatnefs. God is the Great one, and he only is aipeeQdo- great. All menand thins put together, are not only little no- multi, partí- things, but.leffe then nothingcompared to the Great God. Fur bus bowie; ther, the word by which God is here exprefl, notes the great Ç J` i. e. power of God, the flrength of God in eppofieion towhich the 11:41,,' ampliar word by which noun is here exprefl, notes his weaknefs and ;piti- eß° ere' full frailty. And therefore Mr Broughton tranflates flri&ly ac- cording to the proprietyof the Originali ; Imuff tell thee thepm- iffant is greater then the forrowfull man ; we fay barely, God, he thepuiffant, or the flrong,the mighty God ; we fay, God isgred- ter then man, he, then forrowfull man. There are three originall words, as I have fometime noted, which expreffe wan ; madam, importing the matter of whichman was made, earth ; Ishnote- ìnghis bell perfe&ion ; and Enoch, intimating that fad condition which was brought uponus by the fall; Surely the puifant is grea- ter then forrowfull man. But isnot God greater then ( Ich) The wifeil andmoll ac- complifht, the moll perfea and mightiefl of men, aswell as he is greater then ( Enoch) forrowfull or miferable man ? I anfwer, the word Enoch is not to betaken exclufively,as ifwhen he faith, the puifjânt isgreater then the forrowfull man, he were not alfa greater then the greaten or flrongefl man but it notes, that all men, or man confidered in his bell eflate, is but weakneife and wretchednefs, whenput in the ballance with thegreat God, or the puifj`ant. Lord what is man (faith David, one of the bell and greatenof men, aKing, Pfal: 144. 3.) that thou tal ftknowledge ofhim ? or thefanof man that thou make/i account of him ? Now if it be even toomuch that God fhouldmake any account of man, H h then