Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v10

2S4 Chap. 3 3. An Expo ition upon the Boo,, of J o 8. -Verf.s2. then what is any man in account to God ? Owhat man or Angel is able to call up the account, how much thegreat God isgreater or More then man. The words are plaine, only there is fornewhat yet to be added or touched upon, to cleare tip further the fcope ofElihas in fpeaking thus tolob, which Ifhallendeavour to cleare and maké out, when I have given anote or two from -the,words, as theyarea plaine propofition; God .itgreater thee man. Hence' Obferve. Firfl, Cod is Great. He that isgreater then the Greatefl,is certainly great ; he that is higher then the highefl,-is high. This greatnefs of God is eve- ry where celebrated in Scripture. The Prophet Ufa: a z. 6. ) calls .the inhabitant of Zion tocry one andflout ; why ?, For great is theholy One ofIfrael in themidíh of thee ; that is, the holy one of Ifs-nel who is in the midfl of thee, is both Great in himfelfe, and declares hisgreatnefs in thee. (Mal: 1. 14.) lam agreat King, faith the Lordofho.ffs, and my name isdrendfull among the heathens. Ineed not flay togive particular Scriptures to hold forth the attribute of Gods greatnefs, his greatnefs runs through all his attributes. Whatfoever God is, he is great in it ; He is great in power (1?fal 56. 3. PfaI: 547.5. ) he isgreat in all sorts ofpower, great in authoritative power, and great in exec tative power. As God commandeth what he pleafeth to be done, fohe can doe what be commandeth. The power of man in doing is not alwayes commenfurate withhis power in commanding ; but Gods is. He needs noheipe, much leffe any leave to execute whathe willeth. Againe, God isgreat in wifdome,;he hath the ompaffeof all things in his underflanding ; God is fowife , that he is called -the-only wife God (s Tim: a. i7.) The wifdomeof men and Angels is folly to his. God is great alto in hisgoodnes, fo great that Chrill himfelfe as man wouldnot be calledgood, but told him that called him fo by way of rebuke, There is ,nonegood' hotone, that is God ( Math: to. 17. ) Holy David brake our into the admiration of that goodnefs whichGod bath layd up, yeaof that which he dayly worketh forman. Howniuch more did he and ought we to admire that goodnefs which is not fo much in himfelfe as himfelfe ? ( ?fal: 31. s9.) 0 hots great is thygood- neffe, whisb thouhaft layd toyfor them thatfeare thee, which thon wark,e