Chap. 3 3. An Expofition upon the Book of J o B. Verf. 1 2. 135 work!fffor'trem that troll upon thee before the funs of men. The goodneffe which God a&s and puts forth for the creature, is a great goodneife(/fa: 63.7. Neh: 9. 2 S. ) but that goodneffe which is the goodneffe of his nature, is a goodneffe as great as God is, a goodneffe infinite in greatneffe. Againe, how often is God called great, yeaadmired for his greatneife ix mercy?Whe9 David ( z Sam: 24.14.) made choyceto fall into the hands of God ; he gave this reafon of it, For his mercies are great. He is al fo great in wrath ; we read (2 Kings 23.26.) of the ferceneffeof his great wrath. And howgreat is his Love ? Pita, in redeeming, usby ChriR ( rob: 3.16.) God fo hod the world, that he gave hisonly begotten Son, &c. God lovesus fo much in that gift, that no man could ever tell how much love he hath given us in it. Secondly, His love is great in quickning us with ChriR (Eph: a. 4,) God who is rich inmercy, for thegreat Love wherewith he hates loved us, even when we were dead infins, bath quickned us together with Chriff. His love both in redeeming and quickning us is fo great, that while we are called to the greaten Rudy after the knowledge of, we are toldwe cannot know the greatneffe of it, ( Erh: 3. 18. ) That you may ¡,now the Love of God which paffeth k oowledge. I will not Ray upon this Attribute, the Greatneíle of God, only take thefe five briefe inferences from it ; God is Great. Then FirR, God can doegreat things, thegreatefi things,for us ; eve- ry thing is in workingas it is inbeing ; they that are but little, can doe but little ; God bein great in his being,that is,ìn his power, in his wifdome, in his in his mercy, howeafily can he doe great things ! TheScripture is abundant in (hewing forth the great things whichGod hash donc, and will doe, 2 Sam: 7. 22, 23, fob 5.9. Pfal: y. 19. Pfd: 56. 10. Pfal. 92. 5. Ft-al: II I. 2. PM: 126. 2, 3. P(at: 136. 7, 17. foel 2. 21. The workes of God in all ages and in all places, have borne the Ramp of and given teflimony to his excellent Greatneff. We fay, There is nothinggreat toagreat mind, or to aman of agreat fplrit. A Great fpirired man will overcome not only great difficulties, but feem- -ing impolfibilities, yea he is glad to meere with greaten difficul ties, becaufe they match the greatneife of his mind. Then cer- tainly the Great God, doth'nothing but great , and can doe the greaten things. 'Tis no matter how great the things are which H h a we