/66 Chap. 3 3. .finExpofition upon the Book of J o s. Verf. r2. we have need to be done for us, ifwe can but interefl the Great. God in thedoing of them. God can doegreat things in Wayes o£. mercy for his people , and he candoe great. things in -wayes of . judgement agarnil his enemies. Though his enemies be Great Oakes and Cedars,he can hew them downe (Limos 2.9,) Though enemies be as great as the greatefl mountaines,he can remove and level them ; who art thou,Ogreat mountarae:before Zoroba- bell, thou 'halt become a plaine ( Zech: q.. 7,) that is, the great power of God, with Zorobabell,canoverthrow or overturne thole:' powers whichoppofe;or fland in the way of his Church and peo- ple, though they appeared infeparable and immoveable as a Great Mountaine. Secondly , If god beGreat, then he can pardon great tranf. gretiìons ; you that are great (inners feare not. Were not God a great God, the leafyofour finscould not be pardoned ; were not he great in mercy, and great in goodneffe, our hearts would fayle . us, yea our faith; could have no to come to him for the pardon of our great fins ; But why should great fini difcrurage us to aske their pardon of God, who is great in mercy ? David made the greatneffe of his fin his argument tomove the Lord to pardon .it(Pfal: 25.1 r.) Pardon my fnfor it isgreat ; who could fpeak thus, unlef e he had that upon his heart that he fpake to the great God, who isgreater in nothing, and bath magnified his greatneffe in nothing more then inaas of mercy toGreatefi fanners ?, Thirdly, IfGod be agreat God ; then he mufle have great fervices andduties; He:muft have great. praife (Pfal: 48, a. ) great is the. Lordandgreatly to be pralfed;hemaft have great love, we mull love him even with all our heart,and with all our might. He mull have great feare (Pjal: 89.7.) Great faith( Mark a 5. 28.) Great honour from all his people. When David was about - tamakegreat preparations for the building of the. Temple, he faith,( Chron: 29.10Thine OLord isgreatneffe, and thepower, and;theglory, &c. Andwhen Solomon was about tobuild the Tem- ple, he faith (.2 Cbron: 2. 5, )The houfe, xohich Ibuild is great, forgreat it oar God above allGods. We fee David prepared and Solomon builded in proportion to the God for whom the one pre- pared and-the other built a boufe. Thus Imay fay of all you doe faGodor,tOGod, letit:be the greateli your focke and ability can