Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v10

Chap. 33. An Expofition upon the Bookof 3 o E. Verf. r2. 237 can reach to, becaufe he is agreat God. The Lord himfelfe ufeth that argument by theProphet to urge his people rodoe their ut- moti in whatfoever they were called to doe ( Mal: r .14.) Cur- fed be the deceiver whichhath a male inhis flocke, and vowefh and facrificeth to the Lorda corrupt thing; ( that is, who when he is able toperfo:Ime agreater fervice to the.Lord,purs himoif with a- leffer one)for Iam a great King,faìth the Lord ofhofts, &c.There- fore take heed of putting me off with weake female ferviçes,I ex- pest amale, your belt,: that fervice which is molt fpirituall and mafculine.. Fourthly , If God begreat, then,theywho are but little them- felves, havingan interer inGod, may doe great thins roo. The leafi creature`having an inrerer in the great God , is as great, . yea infinitely greater then the greater in the world, who ftand in their ovine rrength. Mofes faith (Deist: 4. 3S. Deut: 7. r. ) that the prefence of God with Ifrael was fuch,,that by it they o- vercameNations,, greater and mightier then they their little- neffe didnot-hinder them, becaufethe great God was with them - in,their workes and wayes ; yea God loves to ufe fmall inrru- ments, that his ownegreatneffe who is the efficient may appeare. That querion which was twice put in the Prophet ( Amos 7. 2, 5'.) is very often put in that cafe ; By whom'hall :globwife ? for he isfmall. That which made it fo - querionable whether Jacob fhould rife, was his fmallnefs ; And could we remember the_ Greatnefs of theGod of facob,we fliould either never nuke fuch querions, oreafily anfwer them; Fifthly, Seeing God is great, we fhould be alwayesafcribing; greatneffe to God, we should lift him up inhis greatneffe. Thus Motes exhorted others (Deut: 32. 3.) Becaufe Iwill publifh the name.ofthe -Lord,. afcribe yegreatnefe to our God. And David at once prophecieth the fame of others, and promifeth it for him- felfe (Pfrtl. 14s": 6.) Men fhallf#eakeofthe might ofthy terrible'. Aas, and Iwill declare thy greatneffe, Againe , Confider thefe words as they are :exprefied. compa- ratively, God isgreater then man; AsGod is great,fo greater then the greater men. God is great abcree all Gods ; that is,,above all the Kings and Princes ofthe earth. Now.I knoll) ( fayd f ethro, Exod; 18. ti:) thatGod is greater thenall Gods ( greater then Pharoahtand.his EgyptianPrinces) for in the thing wherein they dealt':